The employment scene depends on what you do for a living. In IT it’s quite good, but in many other spheres there’s unemployment. Can’t tell you how much a house would cost to rent unless you tell me in which part of the city you’d like to live. Some areas are more pricey than others.
I came to Manchester in 1951 when jobs were fairly easy to get. I’m actually a Yorkshireman but I’ve made my home here and to be honest Manchester provided me with opportunities that I never believed possible.
There’s something about the place. It’s historic, it’s vibrant, it’s the city I’ll never leave because I love it dearly. Life is what you make it, so think hard before you make your decision. It’s a ‘young’ city, so in you’re over 40 you might find work scarce.
My advice is have a holiday here and look around. Best wishes either way.