Calling all small sided football teams in Manchester or players wanting a weekly game with their friends or work colleagues. Amatuer Leagues are happy to announce that we are bringing our very popular format of 6 aside football to your area and are looking for new teams including forum teams which could be put together and named after the forum to promote your site, on course for a redcafe team and blue moon. We organise everything for you, an FA qualified referee, the venue, the equipment even supply bibs for teams who don't want to purchase their own kits.
£200 To be won locally and £2000 in our UK Finals (open to all local league winners).
Winners of the Manchester league will not only win the cash but also a trophy and medals for each player.
Registration for your team is completley FREE and the only cost to your players would be there subs which would need to total £28 per match (games played once a week every Tuesday evening between 8:30pm - 9:30pm).
Games are played on the fantastic 3G pitch at the Manchester Creative Acadmey every Tuesday.
Sign your team up today before all places are filled by filling in our easy online form at our website on the attached file and remember you dont have to be Ronaldo to play in our leagues. If you're male, 16 and over you can enter a side with 5 of your mates.