To do that shows this lad is exhibiting serious psychopathic characteristics.
He will have no feeling for others, or indeed any living sentient creatures .
What will become of him, he`s hardly fit to live in normal society and in all probability will end up committing further serious crimes . To incarcerate him at such a young age seems
hard but we have the example of another young boy committing a horrendous crime,getting a new start and yet still behaving in appalling ways . His partner seems to have done better, but that does not nullify the original crime.
I can`t repeat all that was said in our dog walking group this afternoon-----it won`t do any good now, 63 dogs dead in dreadful circumstances and some of them will not have ever known a nice life, loved and card for. It is truly shocking.
What sort of upbringing has the lad had, if he is not psychopathic. If he is psychopathic
then it is not upbringing. No doubt his character and mental state will be thoroughly gone into. Then what? what on earth can be done with him?
I`ll bet his family ar re-housed and given every help to live it down. At the expense of us
via our council tax! Joynson