Author Topic: Dave Lee Travis found guilty of assault but cleared of second charge  (Read 4982 times)


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Former Radio 1 DJ Dave Lee Travis has been found guilty of indecently assaulting a researcher working on TV's Mrs Merton Show in 1995.

A Southwark Crown Court jury convicted him by a majority verdict of 10-2.

He was found not guilty of indecently assaulting a woman while he was appearing in a production of Aladdin in 1990.

Travis, who left the court with his wife Marianne after being granted bail, will be sentenced on Friday.

He was cleared of a further charge of sexually assaulting a journalist after the jury failed to reach a verdict.

Travis was cleared of the two charges he was being retried for after a jury was unable to reach verdicts at an earlier trial.

He had been cleared of 12 other indecent assault allegations at that trial.

The prosecution introduced a further charge ahead of the retrial and, on Tuesday, the court found him guilty of this offence.

'Charming' persona
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You must understand that all my options remain open in relation to sentencing”
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Judge Anthony Leonard QC
The 69-year-old, who was tried under his real name David Griffin, appeared on BBC Radio 1 for more than 25 years until 1993 and was a regular host of Top of the Pops.

Prosecutors described him as an "opportunist" and said his "charming and cuddly" persona was no defence for his actions.

Sophie Wood, defending, told the judge she would "seek to persuade" him that Travis should be given a non-custodial community order sentence.

But Judge Anthony Leonard QC told Travis: "You must understand that all my options remain open in relation to sentencing."

Travis replied: "I understand. Thank you, your honour."
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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They were determined to keep going until they got something, weren't they?  Majority verdict on a fleeting grope of an adult, decades ago.  I really do resent the absolute waste of tax money on this persecution - and I mean persecution, not prosecution.  Child grooming gangs, lying councils, dodgy police officers - but top of their hit list we find DLT and Cliff Richard?   
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Absolutely scandalous! Nothing more than a PC witch hunt.  >:( I have lost count of the number of women I tried to grope back in my teens and later. Usually to be rebuffed, but that never stopped me trying. It was a rite of passage, and probably still is. The crown prosecution service eventually nailed DLT on the flimsiest of charges. I do not and never will condone sexual harassment, the likes of which Stuart Hall, Rolph Harris were found guilty of.  However there can't be many DJs, Rock stars, Footballers who aren't waiting for a knock on the door by the PC police tonight, who can't be bothered to investigate a robbery at your home or place of work. Giving you a crime number instead. Preferring instead to hound "Celebs", and leaking the information to the press in exchange for some folding money. This case disgusts me. For no other reason than he was eventually found guilty of the most trivial of sexual offences, at God knows at what cost. Many years after the so called assault took place.  >:(

We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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Did it mention where he groped, if he'd groped a guy he may have ended up on the floor, not much chance of a female defending herself like that :-\
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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Did it mention where he groped, if he'd groped a guy he may have ended up on the floor, not much chance of a female defending herself like that :-\

It was a quick feel of a woman's breast when passing in a corridor. if I remember correctly in 1995. God help me if ever I win the lottery or become famous. They would have to start reprinting the News of the world to handle the women coming out of the woodwork from my distant past to accuse me of "Trying it on".  :-[
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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Quote: They would have to start reprinting the News of the world to handle the women coming out of the woodwork from my distant past to accuse me of "Trying it on".  :-[

OMG I hope one of them wasn't his daughter :o
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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Quote: They would have to start reprinting the News of the world to handle the women coming out of the woodwork from my distant past to accuse me of "Trying it on".  :-[

OMG I hope one of them wasn't his daughter :o

Alas no. There is too much of an age difference.  :( I worked for a number of years for ICL in West Gorton. DLT lived in his parents council house off Clowes street. Hence his saying, "A hairy monster from a council estate up north"
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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Far as I am concerned, if these ancient offences don't involve anyone underage and don't include any physical damage, threat, harm or forced sexual activity, then it's not a matter for court.
The irony is that victims of serious assault and rape are currently being told by this same CPS that their cases aren't strong enough to prosecute.  Somebody's got their priorities twisted, and I have a feeling it really is all about media coverage.
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Far as I am concerned, if these ancient offences don't involve anyone underage and don't include any physical damage, threat, harm or forced sexual activity, then it's not a matter for court.
The irony is that victims of serious assault and rape are currently being told by this same CPS that their cases aren't strong enough to prosecute.  Somebody's got their priorities twisted, and I have a feeling it really is all about media coverage.

I agree with you Cups. Someone in the higher echelons of the police force or CPS decided that brownie points could be scored by a couple of high profile sexual convictions. Meanwhile the crimes of violence and burglaries that affect and concern most of us go unsolved or investigated.
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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Tell you, if that man is a pervert/monster/predator for what he did, I can easily name you thirty more who made a similar grab at me back in the late 80s/early 90s when I was working freelance.  What do you think the CPS would say if I went and accused Mr Eric Boggis of cornering me in the copier room in 1987 and trying his luck?    You think they'd raid his house and drag him out of bed and pursue him with zeal?   ???
It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.


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Well what gives anyone the right to grope!!If it was twenty years ago yesterday or tomorrow.
Its still wrong.


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Well what gives anyone the right to grope!!If it was twenty years ago yesterday or tomorrow.
Its still wrong.

You obviously lived in a different era, or a different world to me Jean. That doesn't mean your world was wrong. Just different to mine.  ::)
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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I agree Adsum,and my era was the 60s.


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I agree Adsum,and my era was the 60s.

Actually so was mine. I wonder if our paths crossed?  ;)
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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They may well have done :)