Author Topic: Dave Lee Travis found guilty of assault but cleared of second charge  (Read 4981 times)

Manchester Man

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Men "try" and women "allow".
That leaves a lot of room for error. If they didn't though, I feel (pun intended) the human race is doomed  ;D
Never try to teach a pig to sing.
It wastes your time and annoys the pig.


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They may well have done :)

I bet you were one of those who slapped my face back then. The funny thing is being a child of the "Swinging 60s" I was actually quite shy. I didn't come into my own until later. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 15, in the back entry behind Droylsden co-op.  :-[  ;D
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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I wouldnt say boo to a goose i was painfully shy.
I kept well away from the entry's.I must have known you were there. :2funny:


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I wouldnt say boo to a goose i was painfully shy.
I kept well away from the entry's.I must have known you were there. :2funny:

Smiling.  :) Would you believe I was painfully shy back then. I went down the entry as a result of my friends daring me to "Do it". I hadn't a clue what to do and I remember the much more experienced partner tutting and showing me what to do. To call it a sexual experience was probably a travesty of the Trades description act.  :-[ :-[ :-[
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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A female reporter, I think for the Telegraph, said she was thoroughly fondled, but didn't make a complaint.
Don't know, why say it now, when he's guilty.
Politicians and nappies must be changed often,and for the same reason

Corrupt council

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dlt use to stand for Dave Lee Travis it will soon stand for Doing Long Time.


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A female reporter, I think for the Telegraph, said she was thoroughly fondled, but didn't make a complaint.
Don't know, why say it now, when he's guilty.

Some people just come crawling out of the woodwork to seek attention.  Have you seen the civil case that someone is bringing against him now he's been found guilty?  Allegedly, someone says he subjected them to a serious sexual assault when they were of primary school age.  The CPS rejected that case.  EVEN the CPS in their desperate hunt for muck to rake, rejected that case. 
It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.

Corrupt council

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Stuart Hall,  now Rolf Harris and dlt
They all made one big mistake, they should have worn a tracksuit..


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Hope he's got a spare pair of underpants today.
Politicians and nappies must be changed often,and for the same reason


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He's just received a three months suspended sentence!
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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Quite right too.  At least the judge wasn't a gormless, muck-raking, attention-seeking idiot.  So many of them about lately...... 
It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.

Corrupt council

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The sentence is being reviwed for being to leniant.
Why anyone should think what he has done was just harmless fun shows the depth of self worth can fall to.


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Why anyone should think what he has done was just harmless fun shows the depth of self worth can fall to.

Sexism may have been rife in the sixties perhaps as a backlash to feminism, or maybe feminism was in answer to sexism :-\

It may have been the 'culture' in the sixties, 'the permissive society' etc.

It's only the type of men who grope women who think it's harmless fun in order to justify it.


All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing