Author Topic: Minicab firm offers white drivers  (Read 8155 times)

Manchester Man

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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #15 on: 09:56:51, 25/10/14 »
On a personal basis I don't mind what "brand" my taxi driver is. He/she (so I'm not contravening the sex discrimination Act) can be Black, Brown, White, Yellow or even the colour of the Liquorice Allsorts Man.
I also respect the right of choice for others. We have too much PC interfering with our lives and so called "Positive discrimination" is still discrimination.
It appears we want to pick up a story like the Taxi firm one to show "just how goody, goody" we are when in fact there are people who just want to exercise their choice and not be dictated to.
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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #16 on: 10:08:49, 25/10/14 »
I drove a black cab in Manchester for years. It's a seldom used choice, but any passenger can choose to travel in any cab on a cab rank. It doesn't have to be the first one. He/she who pays the piper calls the tune. In fact here in Llandudno there are a number of different cab firms using the ranks. They each leave a space between cabs to enable a cab in the middle of the rank to pull off the rank if a customer chooses their cab.
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #17 on: 10:17:35, 25/10/14 »
I didn't know that Adsum,  is that a general rule?
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #18 on: 10:26:11, 25/10/14 »
We have four cabs service, the one I use was the very first
Blue Bubble, but now there are Red Cabs, Can we help ones, and another the name I cant remember
all use the different Taxi ranks and like your leave a space beteween each other...
Am a bit shakey on my feet but which ever cab I use they
open the door and help me in, brilliant.
Suppose they think poor old gal on her last legs


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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #19 on: 10:35:16, 25/10/14 »
I didn't know that Adsum,  is that a general rule?

As far as I know it's a general rule Celeste, certainly in Manchester. When I passed my Hackney badge test that was one of the rules that were pointed out to me. However because of an unwritten rule amongst cabbies that first cab on the rank takes the fare. You will find a lot of drivers will insist you take the first cab on the rank. However they cannot force you to do that. You are paying the fare. YOU decide which cab you want to travel in.
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

Manchester Man

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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #20 on: 11:38:14, 25/10/14 »
Now this raises an interesting point.
Can we call them "Black cabs" any longer or should they be "non-denominated colour multi gendered transport vehicles".
Where does this all end  ;D
Never try to teach a pig to sing.
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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #21 on: 11:55:18, 25/10/14 »
Now this raises an interesting point.
Can we call them "Black cabs" any longer or should they be "non-denominated colour multi gendered transport vehicles".
Where does this all end  ;D

I thought that when I was typing my earlier reply but couldn't think of a witty thing to call them, so well done Ray. ;D I was never very PC in the days when it was expected of me, and I'm even worse now I'm retired and couldn't give a toss what people think about me. 8)
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.

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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #22 on: 08:24:22, 26/10/14 »
Surprised Celeste that you could use the argument personal choice in the colour of people you wish to hire.

Here's a personal choice for you then.

You have a life threatening condition an Asian dr has the most experience in treating it. A white Dr is being trained by an Asian Dr but does not have the experience of the problem at hand.

So you have a choice a white Dr with no experience or an Asian Dr with experience. There is no guarantee at all either can cure you who would you choose?

That is are national health service today run by immigrants  when you want a ride in a car colour comes into it, when you want your life saving colour and religion suddenly Dont matter.

As for saying and being proud your not PC is a sign of your ignorance to others. Who are after all human beings just like you


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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #23 on: 08:38:35, 26/10/14 »
You have a life threatening condition an Asian dr has the most experience in treating it. A white Dr is being trained by an Asian Dr but does not have the experience of the problem at hand.

Of course I would choose an experienced doctor whatever colour - I had the most wonderful black nurses looking after me at Withington Hospital when I had my youngest son, oh and one was Asian mustn't forget her :)

I don't see anything amiss about taking advantage of an all-female taxi service at night, err on the side of caution is my advice to myself.


As for saying and being proud your not PC is a sign of your ignorance to others. Who are after all human beings just like you

Did I say that?

All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #24 on: 22:07:38, 26/10/14 »
This debate i find really interesting. Lots of great characters getting involved. I find that the forum really are fixed in there ways and the that some characters are obvious trouble creators while others are far more subtle , with a sentence here or a word there than can turn a entire phrase on its head. bravo to you all.


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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #25 on: 11:09:00, 27/10/14 »
Some cab drivers in the U.S. refuse to pick up black men after dark unless it's from the airport or a downtown hotel. Of course, they don't ask your race when you call, but when they see them waiting they just drive on by.
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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #26 on: 15:37:00, 27/10/14 »
I drove a black cab in Manchester for years. It's a seldom used choice, but any passenger can choose to travel in any cab on a cab rank. It doesn't have to be the first one. He/she who pays the piper calls the tune. In fact here in Llandudno there are a number of different cab firms using the ranks. They each leave a space between cabs to enable a cab in the middle of the rank to pull off the rank if a customer chooses their cab.

Not in Rochdale it seems -

The boss of a taxi firm has reversed his decision to allow customers to choose the race of their driver after 50 Asian cabbies walked out in protest.
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #27 on: 20:41:00, 27/10/14 »
The Asians could be showing solidarity with the white drivers. They could be outraged that in an area with a large Asian community the white drivers may be left out.


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Re: Minicab firm offers white drivers
« Reply #28 on: 21:20:25, 27/10/14 »
Not in Rochdale it seems -

The boss of a taxi firm has reversed his decision to allow customers to choose the race of their driver after 50 Asian cabbies walked out in protest.

I think you will find that was a decision made by the owner of the Private hire company. Hackney cabs operate, whereby the passenger decides who he or she will take them to their destination. The Rochdale PH boss made a business decision because of the high number of Asian drivers on his books. I have to say that NOBODY should be allowed to choose which driver takes them, based on prejudice of any kind.
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.