Cheers Celeste & Tuesday xxx - I do try the job centres regularly, both visiting and through their online websites - get some leads there but not many - I send some freelance writings out but very little gets picked up - I have another story coming out in Scarlet soon, butthey haven't said specificaly when - I also make a modest little bit of money from my website sponsors but again, nothing like enough to save me from financial oblivion. I have had an interview for a job in Prestwich, which i should hear more about on Monday - a lot depends on the hours they can offer me as I don't drive, and need to use public transport a lot of jobs with 6-2 shifts are out of bounds for me. Withthis job, the agency guy who registeredme didn't havethe details of the job hours to hand (he was standing in for another chap who had thrown a sickie and left him panicking with all the extra work he was saddled with, including me. It meant he couldn't tell me much about the job, but it does sound hopeful - I have another interview for a job in Cheetham Hill on Monday morning. I'm also on a series of courses withstandguide, who are like theold Training & enterprise Council, - I can usetheir facilities to get free postage for job letters - they also gave me a course and certificate in first aid inthe workplace, and pay expenses for getting there - so there is some hope - just not much