Saw the Citizen's Advice Bureau (CAB) this morning - surprisingly quick
and painless. The chap I saw was very helpful and quickly recommended
just sending my creditors (Lloyds TSB) an offer of a token payment of
£1.00 per month. As my own only regular income is Income support of
£59.15 per week, he says they, and the courts (if the bank was to take
me on for CCJ's (County Court Judgements) as he thinks they cannot
possibly expect me to pay more than this nominal sum, unless my
circumstances change. The courts are likely to set the same fee so this
method is intended to save the courts and debt chasers a lot of messing
around. Given my fragmented employment history I'm amazed I got credit
at all if that is the best the bank can hope for - it's clearly a system
open to considerable abuse.
I filled in some forms and he sent a statement to the Bank and that is
that unless they challenge the decision which he thinks they won't do.
With a debt of £15,000 repayments at £1.00 per month will take me until
September 3257 to clear the debt totally unless I get work of course -
my circumstances will be reviewed every six months) and I hope I will
get work again soon - my options for getting loans, credit, etc are
zilch, but unless the bank get nasty that should ease things out a
little for me.
I may well have to cut down on my visits to bars, etc, for a time, so if I'm not around, any given week that's why. but hopefully it is a storm I can weather in the end, and I hope to bounce back properly long before
3257. Thanks to yourselves for advice and support in this. CYA soon