I suspect you can think private thoughts without being in any way guilty of whatever activity it is that might be criminal if carried out and put into physical action, example paedophilia
To passively view internet or other images of illegal activity is enough to attract attention by the authorities, if evidence, example a credit card, allows identification
Yet even then, the alleged vast numbers of people involved is stated to be such that the Courts would be congested in processing all suspects and many are simply cautioned, at worst
One step further back there may be other people lurking with thoughts of a potentially criminal nature, but only actually criminal if put into physical action, or even intellectually, via incitement to others to engage in illegal activities
It must be a fine line between thinking about acts of an illegal nature (paedophilia or any other activity) but to profile those that fit an 'image' is not the best way to round up potential criminals, or warn them of their status in the eyes of the Police
Arthur was in no way thinking such thoughts and yet he was suspected as being upto no good on account of his location, status or appearance and was approached in an intimidating manner with suggestions being put into his mind by clumsy police activity regardless of their origins
This does rather worry me about innocent people with low IQ being tricked into confessions and statements and further undermines the good name of the Police
Also it feeds the legal teams who exploit all Police misbehaviour and wastes taxpayers money when Police evidence is shown to be incompetently gathered and poorly presented