Author Topic: Greater Manchester mayoral election, how important is it to voters?  (Read 6097 times)


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If anyone didn't vote, then they have no right to complain.

The only way you get the chance to make a change is to vote.

The struggle our ancestors went through to get us the vote and numpties  can't be bothered to get off their a** is beyond me  >:(

I didn't get why we had to have a second chioce on the ballet paper?
I'm a bit like Marmite


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You are partly right my friend , I agree that everyone should get off their backsides and vote ,my wife and I voted however with hindsight I shouldn't have bothered because as I recently posted the reasons why my friends and family didn't vote is because they already voted not to have a elected mayor so In one way what's the point in voting when they are " moving the goalposts " to suit themselves.