Author Topic: F.A. cup final  (Read 4480 times)


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F.A. cup final
« on: 13:55:34, 22/03/18 »
Well it's looking like it's going to be an all London affair, Tottinham  & Chelsea final.
Unless you think Southampton could sneak in & make it to the final   ;D

Migky  ;)
I'm a bit like Marmite


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Re: F.A. cup final
« Reply #1 on: 19:53:38, 23/03/18 »
Well it's looking like it's going to be an all London affair, Tottinham  & Chelsea final.
Unless you think Southampton could sneak in & make it to the final   ;D

Migky  ;)

  Advantage to Spurs playing at home ???

Steve H

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Re: F.A. cup final
« Reply #2 on: 16:41:54, 29/03/18 »
Got a feeling Spurs might 'bottle-it' in the semi.   :(


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Re: F.A. cup final
« Reply #3 on: 00:22:35, 30/03/18 »
No doubt Chelsea will win it, then Conte will be fired the next day. Just another chapter in the denigration of the FA Cup, a process started by the FA themselves during that awful 1999-2000 competition. You remember it, folks. It was the year they persuaded United (against Fergie's better judgement) that they should forget about defending the Cup and their treble and instead jet off to God-knows-where for some ludicrous kick about that nobody could possibly recall to memory even if their lives depended upon it. It was the year Darlington were knocked out twice, first by Gillingham in Round Two and then by Aston Villa after reappearing as the "Lucky Losers" in round three. And the final was the last ever in front of the twin towers at the old Wembley, and so it should have been quite an occasion. Instead it was 'contested' (for want of a better word) by Chelsea and Villa, both of whom made it plain that they could only see it as a "route into Europe" and couldn't really give a rats about winning the trophy itself. Indeed, Villa manager John Gregory gave a pre-match interview looking mildly irritated by the entire proceedings, and I doubt he would have bothered setting the alarm that morning if it hadn't been for the possible "route into Europe". Chelsea won it, and paraded the trophy around afterwards looking vaguely relieved that the day hadn't been a total waste of their time, which they would much rather have spent elsewhere.

So, like I say, no doubt they'll win it this time as well. :-[


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Re: F.A. cup final
« Reply #4 on: 20:32:02, 01/04/18 »
Got to agree with you Steve, The FA cup has never been the same since the year United dropped out. :(


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Re: F A cup final
« Reply #5 on: 05:05:12, 11/02/19 »
Today is the English FA Cup final at Wembley between Arsenal and Hull City.
For those wanting to watch the match live over here in Thailand,its on Thai TV Channel 7 at 11pm.

This is an odd posting! Has it slipped through a portal in the space-time continue-thingy, like in The Outer Limits or something?



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Re: F A cup final
« Reply #6 on: 09:25:09, 11/02/19 »

This is an odd posting! Has it slipped through a portal in the space-time continue-thingy, like in The Outer Limits or something?

 :o  Well they did warn us about brexit


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Re: F.A. cup final
« Reply #7 on: 19:39:06, 18/05/19 »
Starting at the top of page,thought I was "Back to the Future."
Records came tumbling down like dominos today. CITY World class. How lucky to have Pep.
Politicians and nappies must be changed often,and for the same reason


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Re: F.A. cup final
« Reply #8 on: 20:24:06, 18/05/19 »
I'm happy for you!
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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Re: F.A. cup final
« Reply #9 on: 22:06:10, 20/05/19 »
Starting at the top of page,thought I was "Back to the Future."
Records came tumbling down like dominos today. CITY World class. How lucky to have Pep.

We might have Pep for longer than the MSM seem to think. The press are assuming he'll pack his bags when his contract ends or when City pick up the Champions League, whichever comes sooner. But where would he go? There's hardly any point in returning to the scene of past glories and Real Madrid is out of the question for obvious reasons. So that leaves France or Italy, and I honestly can't see either of them being an attractive proposition to a coach with Guardiola's pedigree. And in any case, why would he want to go? He is creating what might turn out to be the best football team in the entire history of the game, a team who play football in the style he has always dreamed of and with an impeccable collective professional attitude. The fulfilment of all his ambitions, in other words. And, let's face it, nothing feels quite so nice as winning, does it?

It wouldn't be at all surprising if the dirty tricks campaign being orchestrated by Liverpool, UEFA, their buddies in the Fake News Media, and possibly a few other suspects had to carry on for an awful lot longer yet. Fingers crossed!