Having lived in the US for 20 yrs, I have some good opinions on what makes you British .
* Being able to talk without shouting over everybody else .
* Not cutting your steak into little bite size pieces, then having gripped your fork like a weapon, feeding yourself like a 3 yr old .
* Not running from the back of the queue when another checkout opens up at the supermarket .
* Not shouting "great job" and "Way to go " whenever your kid does the most mundane of tasks ( even coming in last at something)
* Not claiming to be Irish or Scottish when your actually 4th generation American and have only been as far as Florida.
* Not referring to a penalty as a " PK " ( penalty kick ) in a soccer game ( football to us )
* Not showing the Olympic beach volley ball matches just because the US are still in it, instead of the finals of the major track events if the US are out .
* Not Drinking iced tea
*Not sending your grandkids cards for valentines day !! ( what a racket )
* Not chucking out the tree and taking down the decorations the day after Christmas .
I could go on, but just makes me wish even more for a pie and a pint in a nice quiet pub
