Author Topic: What would you do to make Manchester a better place to live?  (Read 11169 times)


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"Paris pisoirs."
                 I would put Paris Urinals on every corner.Here in Dun Edin the urinal situation is appaling.There is a simple solution that cost nothing,and can even be profitable. The wonderful inovation that developed from the French Revolution,the ingenous "Paris Pisoir".This  consists of an "S" shaped partition that forms 2 completely private urinal compartments,the lower part is open to public view.In rainy places no plumbing is required.and with Adverising they cost the tax payer nothing.
Out or Nowt? Ready for Out.

Corrupt council

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Good point . However in the councils infinite wisdom I can name 2 they privatised and are now bars!

I agree maintained lavs should be available. A free one and a pay one for that bit of luxury like soap and paper.

Public amenities. Excellent point ronyrash.

The list grows ever longer.