Author Topic: What would you do to make Manchester a better place to live?  (Read 11192 times)

Corrupt council

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What would I do was asked.

Well I would have a more transparent council one that's held to account by a second body as this council has the media in its pocket.

I'd make the roads in town two way traffic . No bus lanes. Car parking would be built with electric charger points.

Solar roads I would hope to see as France is now investing in them so I don't see why we can't.
Rather than have a mayor who's as far as I can see is doing nothing. I woul have an environmental mayor.

That role would look at recycling and Be in charge of bins street cleaning and fining company's like KFC who's over packaging ends up in the streets. I would definitely bring in a tax for pakaging .like a tenner on a bucket of chicken bring the bucket back money returned.

Transport I would have a conductor on every bus. With a driver. Sheffield has it why can't we ?
They charge enough so if they want to operate they must supply two people on a bus.A conductor makes a huge difference in keeping anti social behaviour down.

That's the streets and roads started .now onto housing I would knock every single terraced house down and rebuild  a lot of post industrial areas .

The old ancoats is leading the way but it's taking to long .

Schools I would ban single sex schools like Stockport has done. It is creating ghetto's around them of only Muslim kids in levenshulme and burnage. Two areas where the Asian population is less than the white but the schools are 95 percent Asian in the area . It's created a divide in society.

That's the start ..

Corrupt council

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As for the homeless problem that is easy to sort out.

Early 1990s the conservative rulling party cut the number of mental health institutions and replaced them with care in the community.

Over night the problem Piccadilly gardens became a Mecca for the destitute. Early 90s the problem was never tackled at its roots . The care in the community was nothing but another way of saying survival of the fitist.

That's what it had become for a large number of destitute people.

Solution reopen the mental health institutions that will take out 95 percent of the homeless . Professional help would get a lot of the people on the streets caught in a spiral back into society . Over 3000 on the streets of Manchester now .

Andy Burnham had done nothing to get that number down as his policy is flawed. By the end of the year I can see it hitting 4000 homeless.
« Last Edit: 17:51:43, 13/04/18 by Corrupt council »


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Interesting O0

Andy Burnham is giving a percentage of his salary to a fund for the homeless
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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How and why do foreigners and the removal of them make manchester a better place to live?

Are you talking about the Israeli  Jews in Prestwich?
Are you talking about the  pakistanis in cheetham hill and long sight?
Are you talking about Irish in levenshulme?
Are you talking about the nigerans in openshaw?

Exactly who are you wanting to be sent back to where ever?
who mentioned anything about removal?

Corrupt council

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Glad you don't want any one removed.

I would also open a all welcome to Manchester center.

Economic and health tourism should be encouraged.

The more the better the world is a multicultural place manchester should be the same the more the merrier.

Corrupt council

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Interesting O0

Andy Burnham is giving a percentage of his salary to a fund for the homeless

That salary that we pay as council tax payers so in fact he's paying efff all.

St Chads Lad

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What's wrong with terraced houses ?
As far as homelessness is concerned, if Burnham starts throwing money at it, it will just attract more homeless to the city

St Chads Lad

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Glad you don't want any one removed.

I would also open a all welcome to Manchester center.

Economic and health tourism should be encouraged.

The more the better the world is a multicultural place manchester should be the same the more the merrier.
;D  Good one


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Glad you don't want any one removed.

I would also open a all welcome to Manchester center.

Economic and health tourism should be encouraged.

The more the better the world is a multicultural place manchester should be the same the more the merrier.
can you explain health tourism and its benefits to Manchester and the national health service?


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can you explain health tourism and its benefits to Manchester and the national health service?

I'd be interested to know that also.
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

St Chads Lad

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It's a wind up, surely :-\


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It's a wind up, surely :-\
yep it looks like it , pity that cos as much as I love this forum we are sometimes short of heated debate

Corrupt council

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Getting off the subject so back on track.


I fancy a raised monorail that connects the city running around the 60 why we don't improve transport we could be a leader compared to London .

Council tax would be abolished . Funding via other means sought .the council should work for us not the other way round.

People are getting in debt for merely being alive. It's wrong to be paying council tax when everything else is taxed .



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Yes back to the subject. Scrap all bus lanes it would  make all traffic move far quicker as proved in Liverpool and parts of Salford and bury

Corrupt council

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Excellent scrap all bus lanes I absolutely agree. I would go further and scrap cycle lanes.

In fact I noticed something the other day looking at old black and white photos of Manchester in the 50/60/70 how clean the roads are and how uncluttered .

We have far to much signs up over use of traffic lights . Road markings and all sorts of stuff on roads we simply do not need .

You can see the explosion in signs in the 80s pictures of Manchester .

Urban clutter.