Author Topic: What would you do to make Manchester a better place to live?  (Read 11196 times)


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I've been off-line for a few days, but hang on a second, folks. There are plenty of people in this country who need to be removed. I realise that everyone is terrified of pointing out the blindingly obvious but, nevertheless, I'm going to say it anyway. Any individual who wishes to see the implementation of Sharia Law has no place in our society and should be deported or interned. Remember, a large number of people have fled from Islamic countries to various parts of the civilised world precisely because they do not wish to be living under such a violent and oppressive legal system. There is no reason why they should be expected to live with the fear of it following them over to Britain.

Any person who has arrived here without any intent to work or support themselves must also be removed, along with anybody who has arrived here illegally and without going through the correct legal channels. It is intensely galling for an industrious person of foreign heritage who has settled here legitimately to watch others stick the middle finger to them (and us) by just walking in and expecting a welcome.

Finally, anyone with connections to a terrorist organisation must be taken out of the equation by any means necessary, ideally before they have the opportunity to harm anybody else. This is so obvious that surely no-one would be inclined to disagree?

I think that covers most of it.


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I've been off-line for a few days, but hang on a second, folks. There are plenty of people in this country who need to be removed. I realise that everyone is terrified of pointing out the blindingly obvious but, nevertheless, I'm going to say it anyway. Any individual who wishes to see the implementation of Sharia Law has no place in our society and should be deported or interned. Remember, a large number of people have fled from Islamic countries to various parts of the civilised world precisely because they do not wish to be living under such a violent and oppressive legal system. There is no reason why they should be expected to live with the fear of it following them over to Britain.

Any person who has arrived here without any intent to work or support themselves must also be removed, along with anybody who has arrived here illegally and without going through the correct legal channels. It is intensely galling for an industrious person of foreign heritage who has settled here legitimately to watch others stick the middle finger to them (and us) by just walking in and expecting a welcome.

Finally, anyone with connections to a terrorist organisation must be taken out of the equation by any means necessary, ideally before they have the opportunity to harm anybody else. This is so obvious that surely no-one would be inclined to disagree?

I think that covers most of it.
steve stop talking sense :) O0

St Chads Lad

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Sounds like good sense to me


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Quote:  Sixty-two  percent of UK's Muslim men and 79% of UK's Muslim women do not work and instead  live on government support today, and Muslims comprise one-third of Britain's  high security prison inmate population.

Why don't they work, I know some do, mainly the younger generation though - I wonder if they have Sharia Law in Rochdale!

« Last Edit: 15:39:26, 19/04/18 by celeste »
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Corrupt council

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Does everything always have to go back to Muslim immigration on this forum? :o

The forum was at one time highly viewed now it's barely used , :-\  don't know how many times I've come on here and every topic from plastic pollution to bus lanes being blocked seems to be the fault of Muslim immigration.[/size]

It's like an endless broken record .  >:(

Ok let's pretend all the Muslims are gone from Manchester.
The trains and planes are removing them three , four generations deep.

We still have a council of white men so corrupt with directorships of building firms.

We still have a under funded police force, we still have no independent shops, we still have council tax out of control.we still have people with mental health issues living on the streets.

Worst of all we still have cycle and bus lanes.

St Chads Lad

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The posts on this forum are largely opinions, everybody has them and are entitled to air them here, free speech is being diminished in this country and this is one of the few places where people can speak their mind, there are enough snowflakes out there ready to take offence at any straight talk and a PC police force ready to lock people up for it.


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How about scraping the role of the mayor, we voted that we didn’t want one but we’ve got one ,just think of the wage bill for him and his new staff over the next few  years ,


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[quote author=Parky link=to
How about scraping the role of the mayor, we voted that we didn’t want one but we’ve got one ,just think of the wage bill for him and his new staff over the next few  years

 And while we're at it, how about reducing our councillers by two thirds, having just one per ward.

And regards Islam, are not most of the child groomers Muslim? Is FGM not practiced in some Muslims countries?
Are gay men not murderd in some Muslim countries? Are women not stoned. Is blaphemy not  a crime in all Muslim countries?
 In my opinion Islam will be the biggest long term threat to this country, and the Western world. Not North Korea, China or Russia.
 I fear for my grandchildrens granchidren. :(

Corrupt council

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With in 3 posts the M word was mentioned.oh well and I don't mean mayor.

As for the mayor exactly what powers does this position hold? How can he make Manchester better?

Here's a idea how about our very own tube ?
Is manchester not large enough? Be the fastest way to get around.

Never been a fan of the metro link. To big and an eye sore.


Corrupt council

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Looking at pics of Manchester in the 80s it was so much cleaner, less clutter and litter.

Should bin collection go  back to weekly, and only one bin?



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Looking at pics of Manchester in the 80s it was so much cleaner, less clutter and litter.

Should bin collection go  back to weekly, and only one bin?

Certainly can't disagree with you there. O0

Corrupt council

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Good , then we have common ground Jim 44


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Does everything always have to go back to Muslim immigration on this forum? :o

The forum was at one time highly viewed now it's barely used , :-\  don't know how many times I've come on here and every topic from plastic pollution to bus lanes being blocked seems to be the fault of Muslim immigration.[/size]

It's like an endless broken record .  >:(

Ok let's pretend all the Muslims are gone from Manchester.
The trains and planes are removing them three , four generations deep.

We still have a council of white men so corrupt with directorships of building firms.

We still have a under funded police force, we still have no independent shops, we still have council tax out of control.we still have people with mental health issues living on the streets.

Worst of all we still have cycle and bus lanes.

Islam is the predominant social and political theme of our time. All over the world, brutal and destructive conflicts are being fought where Jihadists are waging aggressive wars against their 'infidel' neighbours. Wherever you look every battle, almost without exception, involves Islamists trying to kill off some other ethnic group. Every single day sees literally dozens of grotesquely violent Jihad attacks in all corners of the planet. And in Europe we are witnessing the seemingly inexorable rise of Sharia Law as Islamists arrive in ever greater numbers.

I have spoken with many people who were around during the years leading up to World War Two. There were plenty of those who, through fear or ignorance, tried to avert their gaze from the terrifying upheavals going on in Europe by simply ignoring the newsreels and radio broadcasts and refusing to read the front pages of newspapers. Your comments remind me of those who tried to live in denial. Events are going to catch up with you, no matter how determined you are to avoid facing reality.

I hope that answers your question.

Corrupt council

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No it doesn't answer my question as I never asked a question on your view of the Islamic world.

I asked how can you make Manchester a better place ?

Your resulting diatribe was irrelevant to the conversation.

However it did bring the subject sadly yet again back to Muslims and the dislike people have.

It's becoming a bore . Does no one have any other ideas or does your life depend on the Muslims getting gone?

St Chads Lad

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I think Steve's response was correct, your post was just a moan about Muslims getting the blame for stuff and he made some good points, nowhere in your post did you ask about what would make Manchester a better place to live  ???