Author Topic: Riot in Ashton  (Read 4168 times)


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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #15 on: 07:46:40, 18/06/18 »
There's nothing to see here, folks. Cyclists are notorious for being excitable, as I'm sure we all know.

St Chads Lad

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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #16 on: 15:02:52, 18/06/18 »

There's nothing to see here, folks. Cyclists are notorious for being excitable, as I'm sure we all know.
  Going off thread a bit here and on the subject of cyclists, I've just seen a video on Mailonline of a group of lycra clad pillocks racing past a horse and rider on a country road, one of them hittng the side of the horse on the way past and then while the rider struggled to gain control this knight of the road flipped the middle finger, what a Prince
« Last Edit: 15:09:16, 18/06/18 by St Chads Lad »

St Chads Lad

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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #17 on: 16:26:44, 18/06/18 »
It appears that the troublemakers have a beef with the Eritrean Government, even though the event had no political affiliation, so what the people of Ashton, or the people of England for that matter are to do about it I'm not sure, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess the people attending were pretty much, well, Eritrean, of course I could be wrong  :-\


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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #18 on: 17:25:51, 18/06/18 »
I have fellow British friends in many part of the world who have settled into their host country , I’ve not heard any of them causing a riot in the country what’s accepted them because of whatever government was in power in Britain

Corrupt council

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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #19 on: 17:42:16, 18/06/18 »
I have fellow British friends in many part of the world who have settled into their host country , I’ve not heard any of them causing a riot in the country what’s accepted them because of whatever government was in power in Britain

Brits abroad ...

BBC analysis shows UK forces have dropped bombs on 69 of the 99 days of 2017 to 9 April.

In that time, at least 216 bombs and missiles have been dropped by the Royal Air Force

With our fellow Brits flying abroad do we really need our ex pat's causing any more grief.
Imagine the death toll from that amount of ordinance.

I think a ruck at a bike race is acceptable..considering ...


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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #20 on: 04:11:20, 19/06/18 »
People bring their baggage with them....they bring their fears and prejudices along with their hopes for a better life. That better life seldom arrives as quickly as they would like, and old prejudices fill the space.
Break the law, pay the price, shut your face, and carry on........


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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #21 on: 08:17:03, 19/06/18 »
Steve said something similar, a better life at whose expense  :-\
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing

Corrupt council

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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #22 on: 10:46:58, 19/06/18 »
 Sure I don't have to remind a single person who writes with such authority on here that Eritrea was a former British colony we took off the italians after the war.

We are all fully aware that most  here hold British passport past down after colonisation after the war.

Of course we do. As us Brits are so clued up by our own history. :o

Not only did we colonise we dismantled the country's infastruture . The railway systems and its national industry .we sent those pesky rebel Ethiopians rejects back to the stone age.

We did that as compensation for liberating them from Italian rule.

St Chads Lad

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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #23 on: 15:19:38, 19/06/18 »
The indigenous population usually, it's part of the multicultural experiment so we'll just have to suck it up, unfortunately  :(


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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #24 on: 16:33:40, 19/06/18 »

I take your point Celeste...
Immigration in and of its self isn't the problem I think, but the numbers, when so large, create their own set of problems. Australia ships people off to prison camps on remote islands and leaves them there indefinitely, and Trump's America separates children from their parents as soon as they cross the border. I wouldn't have a clue what the answer is, but some of the solutions in place right now, make no sense to me.
I don't say this flippantly, but perhaps we're due another clear out...another war to end all wars, get rid of a few hundred million and make some room for the world's economy to grow. I live fairly close to an obvious target, and would welcome being taken out by a 'first strike' nuke rather than live in the brave new world that would follow.
With so many of us crowding the planet, the old order of one country one race has long since passed into history. The internet and mobile phones have given everyone the ability to see what they're missing. We humans...we just never know when to stop.

In the words of that old song...."They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot."   


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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #25 on: 17:48:13, 19/06/18 »
Years ago when I was working at the airport, my best friend's father gave me a lift home, I always remember him saying, 'We've got to have wars to keep the population down' - maybe a lot of people thought that at the time, funny that years later you should say the same.
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #26 on: 18:06:31, 19/06/18 »
Four children still in hospital,


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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #27 on: 00:41:43, 20/06/18 »
Not something I'd wish for (war)...but nature has a way of resetting imbalance. It took almost 200.000 years for the human race to reach 2 billion, and only the last 350 years or so for it to grow from that to the present figure of around 8 billion. We live on a fare less resourced planet now than any who have lived before us, and there are a lot more of us's not too difficult to tell what's coming. We are due a readjustment....

As far as complex life forms go, first it was the fish, then the reptiles, and then we mammals...time to give the insects a go perhaps.

All is not lost though...we still have the capacity to be happy if we choose, rather than focus on stuff like this. 

Corrupt council

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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #28 on: 01:54:35, 20/06/18 »
Not something I'd wish for (war)...but nature has a way of resetting imbalance. It took almost 200.000 years for the human race to reach 2 billion, and only the last 350 years or so for it to grow from that to the present figure of around 8 billion. We live on a fare less resourced planet now than any who have lived before us, and there are a lot more of us's not too difficult to tell what's coming. We are due a readjustment....

As far as complex life forms go, first it was the fish, then the reptiles, and then we mammals...time to give the insects a go perhaps.

All is not lost though...we still have the capacity to be happy if we choose, rather than focus on stuff like this.

Not saying you are in correct in your analysis but I suggest you look at it from a different sets of stats and facts.

1 what is the driving factor that made the human population growth expendially.

2 what is the limit human population can reach before becoming unsustainable.

Answer to question 1:  oil. We use it for everything from plastics ,to medicines to eating it. Pesticides are the main driver of human growth. Together with human hygenie and energy.

2. This is up for debate I have heard a few figures based on different research .but the ball park figure is 11 billion .

I don't believe we are any where near a mass extinction due to overpopulation . We may be at war over land disputes .


St Chads Lad

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Re: Riot in Ashton
« Reply #29 on: 14:04:48, 20/06/18 »

People bring their baggage with them....they bring their fears and prejudices along with their hopes for a better life. That better life seldom arrives as quickly as they would like, and old prejudices fill the space.
Break the law, pay the price, shut your face, and carry on........
That's a good point but I just don't understand why, if they are they genuinely are seeking a new better life, they insist in bringing the problems they are supposedly leaving their homelands for with them and inflicting them on the host populations of the countries in which they settle.