Youth Demand protester trespassed onto Rishi Sunak’s property in North Yorkshire today, and took a dump in Sunak’s lake, wearing the shirt “East [censored] Rishi”. Police were quick to arrive at the scene, which will likely lead to the arrest of the defecator, a student from Manchester named Oliver, and three others. Dirty tricks…
A spokesman for the loon group said:
“From Number 10 to Number 2, let’s face it: he’s done a [censored] job, and the Tories are facing an electoral wipe-out. As a final goodbye, we’re issuing a ‘code-brown’ to Mr Sunak and his colleagues in government for 14 years of total failure, by delivering them some much needed moral fibre.”
Totally uncalled for.
The state of this dirty soap dodging scumbag, this is just vile, and to think this cretin hails from Manchester, the leftwaffe truly are pond life.