Author Topic: STYAL RESIDENTIAL OPEN AIR SCHOOL  (Read 10127 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 02:19:29, 31/01/20 »
Hi Jill,
Thanks' for getting back to me. I am so pleased that you also enjoyed your stay at Styal.
I certainly did especially being picked for kitchen monitor. Spooning out the Syrup and boiled eggs.
There are a few that like to discredit Styal. That is a shame as although a little on the strict side which of course you had to be with so few staff on duty compared to how many children per dormitory.
I an sure with time and its exact location some people get confused with The Bollin School which I know was a terrible place to be especially if you were a boy being made to fight and other worse things. I found this out through looking through the Manchester Education Archives on special schools.
That was the reason for its closure and our nurses and teachers now passed away are branded with the same iron but cannot talk up for themselves.  So you are in Ashton! I sometimes visit with my son when home from university to  watch Manchester City Ply. You never forget your team or your roots. Do you recall Nurse Lyons ? She was a Matron in Peter Pan but over the whole school. If you have an email address I can send you many photo's of the school and the staff and children. Just let me know.
Well must go. Happy memories for most, always felt really hurt for those whose parents never visited. Mine came every week and a few would walk round with us and share my sweets. This didn't anger me but made me feel happy for them. Poor lads. I knew a few girls their but only of my age group. I am now now 66 and a half! Where has time gone? Glad that you are happy and busy. Cannot say the same for myself but that's life. Take Care Bye Jill Barry
P.S. Although we enjoyed it, some kids don't know how lucky they were just to be able to go to normal schools and home to play after school.

« Last Edit: 02:32:15, 31/01/20 by Wythyboy »

Jill kupczak

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« Reply #16 on: 22:57:53, 08/02/20 »
Hi Barry not polish but husband of polish decent.was at styal in 1965 in snow white house. Just seeing if this gets to u xp


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« Reply #17 on: 10:24:12, 09/02/20 »
What a lovely thread,pity not more posters.
Politicians and nappies must be changed often,and for the same reason

Kevin Matthews

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« Reply #18 on: 09:12:50, 20/06/20 »
Hi I was there 1964...peter Pan ,remember with fondness Nurse Lyons study Sunday night...nurse Potts...
The food the play room , the orchard, the teacher with the cowboys and Indians fort!...the smell of the rhododendrons
The bacon , the days out , the walk to church , the walk through blue bell woods , the train. Station,
The School shop!...the make shift slide next to the school useind a tray to go down, breaking a dorm window when I threw my shoe , hospital bed corners, washing bag, powered toothpaste, uniforms for church...happy days ...
I am on face book ,feel free to find me...


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« Reply #19 on: 03:49:06, 23/06/20 »
You forgot Lyles Golden Syrup if you were mates with the kitchen monitor. Usually me! Yes will look you up but give me an idea what your profile pic looks like.You wouldn't believe how many have the same name and we were kids then so let me have a clue! Just recently been in touch with my best mate from Peter Pan House.
I have put some good pics of the school when I took my two children there in the eighties. It was holidays so sneaked in. Think it was the Rotten Bollin School then.The schooltat gave our staffa very bad and unjust name. Anyway I am on Facebook so is LesSherwood his profile is with his wife so look him up. I am looking forward to going back up North to see Les. I now live in North Devon. My profile is my young son just about to do a recital on the piano.Barry Plant.
Take Care buddy.
Hope to here from you again. I Loved Styal.


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« Reply #20 on: 19:52:59, 20/09/20 »
Hi my names Norman Edwards I was in styal around 1964/1969/70. I found the homes and the staff so nice even though I was only about 7 or 8. Wythyboy I remember nurse Lyons she lived in admin when I was there did she wear a nuns outfit and like a grey vail? I remember she was very strict but fair but she left not long after I got there. I went there with my two sisters Christine and Julie Edwards. I remember a lot of the nurses that were there at the time like. Nurse Jones,hall,hill,Miller,Potts,Smith,hodgetts Everington,school teachers I think his name was Mr Kingsley I think he had a false leg and played the banjo. Miss Curtis wow was she strict lol. I absolutely loved this place in fact when I had left I went back a couple of times when I was about 17 and there were still nurses still there and they even remembered me especially nurse jones lol she introduced me to Tom Jones and I still like him now.  I also remember a sad occasion where a young boy drowned in one of the woods we went to either styal or bluebell woods. I wasn’t at the woods but I remember being in the telly room and the nurses closed all the curtains so we didn’t see all the police cars outside. I do remember the poor boy who tragically died he was a friend so so sad I know nurse Potts and nurse hall tried to save him but to no avail but they did save two other children. Anyway that’s it for now I would just love to hear from other children although adults now lol who went there around the same time I’ve always wanted pictures of the houses children and staff who were there at the time so if anyone has any and would like to share them with me or just send me a message and that’s from anyone I would love to hear your experiences of the homes thank you for reading this I do hope I hear from my fellow residents. But for now take care and hopefully speak soon. Norman


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« Reply #21 on: 19:59:22, 20/09/20 »
Oh and by the way they changed the names of the houses when I was there from Peter Pan to pine house,Wendy house to hawthorn. Snow whit to Beech house. And Robin Hood to Oak I know you all probably know that but I just thought it was a little bit more information lol. Thanks Norman


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« Reply #22 on: 03:14:57, 25/09/20 »
It's been really interesting reading everyones comments! My great great grandmother's sister, Jessie Davenport was a childrens maid there from the late 1930s onwards. I wonder if anyone remembers her or recognises the name  :)


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« Reply #23 on: 21:14:32, 24/10/20 »
Hi. Were you a boarder at Styal Residential Open Air School ?
I would like to hear from anyone who boarded thete. I was there between 1957-59 in Peter Pan House. It would be great to hear from anyone regarding their stay and experiences. Girl or Boy. Thanks Barry. mum was a resident here from 1957..i would to see any pictures..her name was Beryl Hughes she was from mosside manc..thankyou for your stories ...Tracy


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« Reply #24 on: 21:18:44, 31/12/20 »
I was in Styal from about 1958-60.  I remember having to have a sleep on the camp beds and hearing the teacher with the false leg walking around.  Someone told me he kept our homework in his false leg. I remember my first night really clearly at Styal, I was terrified and someone, I think it was a nurse, telling me to stop crying.  I didn't know why I was there or how long I would be there.  I remember having to wear a striped dress and having to eat porridge which I hated. 
Jill - you asked for information on Layinka Hooker.  I would love to tell you about her.  She was a very close friend for many years and unfortunately she died two years ago.  If you email me I will get back to you.  She talked a lot about her time in Styal.


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« Reply #25 on: 09:29:59, 01/01/21 »
JILL KUPCZAK - Hi Jill,  You were asking for information on Layinka Hooker who was in Styal the same time as you.  Layinka was a very close friend of mine for over 20 years, so please ring me on 0798 338 2243.  I would love to hear stories of her time in Styal.  Thanks.

Jill kupczak

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« Reply #26 on: 17:17:21, 01/01/21 »
Hi my names Norman Edwards I was in styal around 1964/1969/70. I found the homes and the staff so nice even though I was only about 7 or 8. Wythyboy I remember nurse Lyons she lived in admin when I was there did she wear a nuns outfit and like a grey vail? I remember she was very strict but fair but she left not long after I got there. I went there with my two sisters Christine and Julie Edwards. I remember a lot of the nurses that were there at the time like. Nurse Jones,hall,hill,Miller,Potts,Smith,hodgetts Everington,school teachers I think his name was Mr Kingsley I think he had a false leg and played the banjo. Miss Curtis wow was she strict lol. I absolutely loved this place in fact when I had left I went back a couple of times when I was about 17 and there were still nurses still there and they even remembered me especially nurse jones lol she introduced me to Tom Jones and I still like him now.  I also remember a sad occasion where a young boy drowned in one of the woods we went to either styal or bluebell woods. I wasn’t at the woods but I remember being in the telly room and the nurses closed all the curtains so we didn’t see all the police cars outside. I do remember the poor boy who tragically died he was a friend so so sad I know nurse Potts and nurse hall tried to save him but to no avail but they did save two other children. Anyway that’s it for now I would just love to hear from other children although adults now lol who went there around the same time I’ve always wanted pictures of the houses children and staff who were there at the time so if anyone has any and would like to share them with me or just send me a message and that’s from anyone I would love to hear your experiences of the homes thank you for reading this I do hope I hear from my fellow residents. But for now take care and hopefully speak soon. Norman

Jill kupczak

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« Reply #27 on: 17:21:09, 01/01/21 »
Hi Norman. I was at Styal 1964 to 1968 in Snow White House . I remember lots of the staff you mention also matron fawcett and nurse pinfold. I enjoyed my time there and would love to have contact with any of the girls and boys there when I was. Christine macro. Rose. Sharon entwistle. Lovely to read your post and walk down memory lane . Jill


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« Reply #28 on: 19:58:14, 13/02/21 »
Both my sister and myself went to styal in1965 we both remember nurse penfold being there we had to exercise every day there no such thing as you didn’t like the food because we were forse fed went to school as you would at home we did 2 and a half years there


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« Reply #29 on: 08:20:53, 14/02/21 »
I remember being forced to eat even though the food had blood on it from my losing a tooth that morning.  Yuck!