Author Topic: Cringe  (Read 4768 times)


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Re: Cringe
« Reply #30 on: 14:58:28, 11/11/22 »
Any (former) British “newspaper”, which have all turned into comics for members of the population who are exceptionally slow and cannot read without moving their lips. A couple of weeks back the Telegraph ran a story describing the overthrow of Liz Truss and the appointment of yet another unelected British Prime Minister in somewhat gushing and celebratory tones. Right next to it, on the very same page, was another story expressing shock and dismay as a high ranking Chinese politician was escorted out of the parliamentary building in favour of a replacement who, the comic complained, had been appointed in secret behind closed doors by a small and unaccountable cabal of party functionaries. Either the comic’s editors are too stupid to spot the irony or, perhaps more likely, they decided that their readers most probably were, so they could not resist the opportunity to display their satirical mettle.

Ye Gods. And it wasn’t so very long ago that the Telegraph was believed to have the best educated readership in the country.