Author Topic: Indoor Ski Lessons  (Read 829 times)


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Indoor Ski Lessons
« on: 14:32:25, 10/02/21 »
Hi all![/size]So I have some very restless kids at home (As I'm sure we all do!) and one of their favourite things to do at the moment is ask for things that aren't open! One wants horse riding lessons and one wants to learn to ski!I want to plan and research so that once the restrictions are lifted, I can get the kids into their lessons of choice!Horse riding I think I'm sorted - but ski lessons are a bit beyond me. I've been looking at several options, but we're within driving distance of Chill Factore in Manchester - they have a section about their ski lessons but I wondered if anyone has any experience with this company? I know that skiing can be dangerous so I want to make sure I'm fully informed before booking these lessons! SO any reviews/comments would be helpful!


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Re: Indoor Ski Lessons
« Reply #1 on: 09:26:33, 03/03/22 »
Hi Karen, don't know if this helps now but my two children do indoor ski t Chill Factore - they both started at ages 9 and 11. The staff were great with them, the class sizes are not too big and it feels safe. Plus you can watch from the balcony with a cup of coffee so always within viewing distance! They both seem to love it! I sent them to the ski school, but my little boy is thinking of taking on snowboarding next....