Author Topic: St Josephs Childrens Home.  (Read 3116 times)


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Re: St Josephs Childrens Home.
« Reply #45 on: 14:44:02, 17/06/24 »
Hi All,

I came across this page through a link on Ancestry, my father Noel Keohane, lived at St Josephs children's home in the late 1940's, he left for Australia in August 1951 aged 17 and is still living with me in Australia, and he is now 90 years old!  just curious to know if anyone else has associations with anyone from the home still??


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Re: St Josephs Childrens Home.
« Reply #46 on: 17:20:17, 17/06/24 »
Hello, I WAS IN st Joseph’s 1949-1954 now at the age of 86 still going strong. How did your father end up going to Aus I remember some boys being sent around 1950s to a place called Bindoon Boys Town orphanage near Perth, I’m afraid not very well treated. One boy wrote his autobiography about his time there. If  I can help you in anyway let me know.

Regards Maureen