Author Topic: Hale, MP says 'worst place to accommodate refugees'.  (Read 215 times)


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Conservative Sir Graham said he first heard about the government's plans in November.

He said the government had identified a hotel in the village, which the BBC has decided not to name for safety reasons, as a potential location.

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  • "I think it's the worst possible place to house a very large number of young men who are by definition, because they are not allowed to work, unemployed," he said.

    "I met with a senior official from the Home Office three days before Christmas and communicated that."
  • All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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    Re: Hale, MP says 'worst place to accommodate refugees'.
    « Reply #1 on: 15:27:30, 06/01/23 »
    Well he would say that wouldn’t he , it’s about time these refugees were housed in more “ salubrious “ areas , in fact the more the better


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    Re: Hale, MP says 'worst place to accommodate refugees'.
    « Reply #2 on: 15:31:45, 06/01/23 »
    There's not much industry there,  less than Scarborough where a lot of the immigrants are housed in hotels and fed up.
    All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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    Re: Hale, MP says 'worst place to accommodate refugees'.
    « Reply #3 on: 17:32:57, 06/01/23 »
    So they’re not happy about all these scientists and brain surgeons being accommodated in Martha’s Vineyard…..oops, I mean…..Hayle? Which is strange, in view of the fact that these denizens of leafy suburbia seemed somewhat relaxed about the residents of Wolverhampton or Bradford being obliged to live among them.

    It’s almost like the wealthy Champagne Socialists are hypocritical wind bags, isn’t it? Heaven forbid!