Author Topic: Dominic Raab steps in to prevent serial rapist Andrew Barlow's parole.  (Read 145 times)


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The deputy prime minister has called for serial rapist Andrew Barlow to stay in prison after the Parole Board ruled he could be released.

Barlow, previously called Andrew Longmire, from Bolton, [size=inherit]was handed a 12th life sentence in 2010[/size], having already been sentenced to 11 in 1988.

In December the Parole Board said he could be released.

Dominic Raab, who is also Justice Secretary, said he had asked the board to reconsider their decision.

He added: "My thoughts remain with the victims of Andrew Barlow, whose despicable crimes blighted the lives of dozens of women.

"Public protection is my number one priority, which is why I've asked the Parole Board to reconsider their decision to release him and I am overhauling the parole system to keep prisoners who pose a risk to the public off our streets."
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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"Public protection is my number one priority, which is why I've asked the Parole Board to reconsider their decision to release him and I am overhauling the parole system to keep prisoners who pose a risk to the public off our streets."

« Last Edit: 13:39:45, 18/01/23 by celeste »
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing