Author Topic: People-smuggling boss who fled UK is arrested.  (Read 123 times)


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People-smuggling boss who fled UK is arrested.
« on: 21:30:05, 21/01/23 »


The head of a people-smuggling ring who fled the UK to avoid jail has been arrested.

Tarik Namik led a gang that brought people from Iraq and Iran to the UK hidden in lorries.

The National Crime Agency (NCA) said his phone records suggested he may have been involved in smuggling at least 1,900 migrants in 50 days, charging each person about €1,800 (£1,540).

He was detained at Manchester Airport after a flight from Turkey on Friday.

The 45-year-old, from Oldham, [size=inherit]was sentenced in absentia for eight years at Manchester Crown Court in December[/size] after fleeing abroad.

Namik had previously pleaded guilty to conspiracy to help asylum seekers enter the UK.

All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing