Author Topic: Andrew Tate self-proclaimed misogynist.  (Read 127 times)


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Andrew Tate self-proclaimed misogynist.
« on: 14:31:23, 01/02/23 »


An MP has said she was "bombarded" with death and rape threats after speaking out against controversial social media influencer Andrew Tate.

Alex Davies-Jones, the Labour MP for Pontypridd, said she received the abuse to her "inbox and my office".

The British-American online influencer, who amassed millions of followers for his divisive content, has been detained in Romania as part of a human trafficking and rape investigation.

He denies the allegations.

Speaking during a Commons debate on neighbourhood policing, Ms Davies-Jones thanked her own police force for its support.

Andrew Tate: The self-proclaimed misogynist
  • I fear online influencer radicalised my son'
  • She said: "I'd like to put on record my own thanks to... all of the local police in my south Wales area who have been an immense support to me in the recent weeks after I have spoken out about the horrendous abuse and behaviour of Andrew Tate online.

    "As a result, my own inbox and my office have been bombarded with death threats, rape threats."
  • « Last Edit: 14:34:53, 01/02/23 by celeste »
    All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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    Re: Andrew Tate self-proclaimed misogynist.
    « Reply #1 on: 14:38:06, 01/02/23 »
    What is motivating this man,  what does he hope to achieve?

    The next generation can disregard him,  they'll have their own concerns and their own men of the moment.
    All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing