Author Topic: Manchester Museum's £15m Vamp.  (Read 152 times)


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Manchester Museum's £15m Vamp.
« on: 11:53:51, 16/02/23 »


A painted Bangladeshi rickshaw, a World War One uniform and flyers from 1970s gay nightclubs are among the exhibits chosen to offer a fresh view of South Asian culture in a new gallery.

Manchester Museum has created the gallery as part of its £15m renovation.

It says it is the "first permanent gallery in the UK to celebrate the lived experiences and contributions of the South Asian diaspora".

The South Asia Gallery has been curated by a group of 24 members of the public.

"We want to show the richness and diversity of South Asia," its co-ordinator Nusrat Ahmed says.

"It was to break down stereotypes and myths, and it was to highlight South Asia as being at the forefront of many things."

All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing