Author Topic: Looking for something different this summer?  (Read 2028 times)

Dan L

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Looking for something different this summer?
« on: 18:06:34, 01/03/06 »
Softball is a growing sport in the UK and Manchester has one of the most active and outgoing leagues in the country. The game is a variation on baseball, the ball is larger (but not soft) and fielders play with baseball style gloves to aid catching.

Here in Manchester we play a variation of softball known as co-ed slowpitch. Mixed teams of 5 men and 5 women, the ball is pitched in a looping arc so making it a reall hitting game (no 95mph fastballs here).

We play at the university sports grounds in Northenden on a tuesday (3rd Div) and wednesday (1/2 Div) night during the summer and during the winter at the Dome on Platt Lane.

We have teams of all experience levels - from total novices to very good! We can accommodate you if you want to join an existing team, or even better we can help you set up a team with your workmates and friends.

We will be running a series of training sessions before the season starts in April/May for anyone who is interested but has never really played before and dedicated guidance is available for anyone who is interested in setting up their own team.

Softball is a very social sport and lots of our teams travel up and down the country at weekends to take part in tournaments. We also have regular social functions during the season here in Manchester.

If you want to know more you can check out our website at or email [email protected]

We're going to be having an informal social night in the next few weeks, date and location to be confirmed.