Last night, alleged Tory MP Caroline Nokes and Labour’s Bell Ribeiro-Addy, whose Streatham constituency the attack took place in, were invited by the BBC’s Kirsty Wark to hold forth on… microaggressions. I’m not making this up. After some obligatory throat-clearing about how awful the attack was, Wark suddenly pivoted. ‘I was surprised to hear how many microaggressions that you’ve faced’, she asked a visibly relieved Nokes. Thus ensued a conversation about how men calling women ‘darling’ or whatever puts society on a slippery slope to violent misogyny. ‘It may start with a microaggression, Bell, but it can end up with something incredibly serious’, said Wark. Ribeiro-Addy then began piously intoning about ‘ever-increasing incel culture’.
The BBC eh? Getting to the real issues, as usual.