The Hit Pieces Start
June 4, 2024 Longrider General News, General Rants, misanthropy, Political, sophistry 2
Nigel Farage is getting under their skin at the Guardian.
Reform UK’s leader, who is also its majority shareholder, has influence over rightwing, socially conservative voters. That frightens the Tories, some of whose supporters like the sound of Mr Farage’s antediluvian views. His parties have fomented rage, paranoia and xenophobia. He can claim to have been responsible in large part for Britain’s departure from the EU, a historic mistake for which this country continues to pay a heavy price. His Brexit party’s indirect electoral impact, say academics, was substantial: in splitting the leave vote in Labour seats, Mr Farage cost the Conservatives around 25 gains from Labour in 2017.
And so the [censored] starts. What these cretins seem unable to grasp is that his views are shared by decent people across the country. There are not antediluvian, they are rational and reasonable. But never mind, just scatter the usual far left buzzwords and hope a few of them stick, eh?
As for Brexit being a failure, this is not down to Farage, but those tasked with implementing it.
. Mr Farage’s blatant racism at the start of the campaign – claiming that Muslims lack British values – should ring alarm bells.
Muslims do not share British values. This is an objective statement of observable fact. Certainly alarm bells are ringing as scenes such as those in Batley play out. Pointing out this truth is not racism, because Islam is not a race. It is a totalitarian ideology that is the antithesis of British values.
However, with the former Tory prime minister Liz Truss appearing on far-right YouTube shows…
This is a reference to the Lotus Eaters. Jess Phillips complained to Sunak about this appearance, because Carl Benjamin once made an off colour joke at her expense and she is still butt hurt about it. However, the Lotus Eaters is not far right. To say that it is, is a falsehood, but this is the Guardian, so lying is par for the course. These vile [censored] never let facts, reason or truth get in the way of their prejudice and bigotry.
That they are openly attacking Farage and Reform tells us that they are worried. Personally, I’m not over optimistic. Nige has a decent chance of taking Clacton, but our system is a mountain for new parties, so at best, a handful of seats, I suspect.
But have you noticed that no one seems to be talking about the Lib Dems?