Farewell to Sam Mahood....Soul man, mentor and dear friend.........
Sam Mahood Memorial Concert, Sunday 27th January, Kings Head, Belfast. First band on at 3pm , through until 10pm.
Sam Mahood, who was a legend in the Ulster music scene throughout the sixties, sadly passed away on Sunday 23rd December. He was Lee's mentor and friend, and was the inspiration for Lee and if it was not for Sam, Lee would probably not be doing music. As a mark of utmost respect, Lee Hedley is organising a 'Farewell Concert' to Sam Mahood with an all-star line up, rarely seen under one roof.
The line-up will include, Lee Hedley Band, Apartment A and Apartment B, including Dusty Hagan, Billy McCoy, Mervyn Crawford,plus many others to spice up the show including well known blues and soul musicians such as Rab McCullough, Ronnie Greer, Frankie Connolly, Kenny McDowell, Davy Dunwoody, Alan Niblock and the list goes on and on.
Terri Hooley will be on standby as DJ throughout the day providing musical entertainment in between bands and during the changeovers.
It is anticipated that there will be a FULL HOUSE and it that the cover charge (including ALL musicians) will be a minimum donation of £5.
Provisional Itinerary (subject to change)
3PM Welcoming speech by Lee Hedley followed by some live music from Lee Hedley Band
3.30 DJ Terri Hooley
4.15 Apartment B (45mins)
Terri Hooley
5.15 Ronnie Greer plus guests (45 mins)
Terri Hooley
6.15 Rab McCullough. (45 mins)
Terri Hooley
7.15 Apartment A (60 mins)
8.00 Frankie Connolly (ex- Soul Foundation) joins Apartment on stage (15mins)
Terri Hooley
8.30 until 10pm Lee Hedley Band - Finale plus Jam with variety of special guests.
This spectacular musical gathering is open to anyone who wants to come along. Kind regards, Lee.