[quote Now there are slugs - there doesn't seem any way to get rid of them except by using pellets and I'm not sure that works.
Try using polyurethane foam in a can or copper tape. From what I've read the reason slugs get into the house is because they're always looking for food and they have a very good sense of smell. Both of the above if applied correctly can mostly keep them out of the places in your house that you don't want them to be, it's impossible to stop them entirely though unless you're a keen gardener who regularly clears them out of the garden. No slugs in the garden means none in the house and there are a few ways of removing or at least controlling the amount of them in your garden. The pellets are designed to kill them and they should work if they fall for it, don't ever underestimate their ability to learn things though, in order to survive one must learn new things and adapt to its surroundings, all creatures have this ability...