One should always endeavour to maintain a sense of humour in the face of sporting adversity.
Megson and the Cloggers may well be on the Samaritans website 24 hours a day, but the fans know only too well that that often humour is the only sanctuary against the woes and fears of relegation.
Those devoid of a sense of humour, sporting or otherwise, have a worrying tendency to send a series of abusive private messages in 'psycopath threat mode'
What I do not like are people who havn't been on my forum five minutes throwing their weight around
'my forum'??....hmmm.
And a threat or two:
You avoid my threads, especially if I know you from any other forum, as my friends suspect
Let's hope Megson doesnt sink to such sad depths on the Samaritans website!!
its a laugh for pete's sake
Indeed....but sadly some seriously mentally impaired people don't see it that way and prefer sending abusive private messages.
No names mentioned of course
Unless its Megson on the prowl!!