Author Topic: kidscape charity fashion show  (Read 1447 times)


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kidscape charity fashion show
« on: 10:02:30, 27/03/06 »
hi any1 that can help, me and a few friends are trying to organise an no profit fashion show for child abuse but needs all the help and advice, she got the gift of the gob bu where does she start,,,it be in june/july in manchester.any comments and advice welcome at this stage its just an idea.


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Re: kidscape charity fashion show
« Reply #1 on: 03:55:09, 30/10/07 »
How did the Fashion Show go, ushli ??? Did it take place and was it a success ???

Some information for others planning such events ...

You can usually get free publicity for such events by issuing a press release to the local newspapers. You then need posters throughout the area telling people about the event. These need not cost all that much ... if there is an Art College in the area one of the students might be willing to provide these at no charge just to get some experience. The local radio stations may also give you free publicity as most of them announce what's on in the locality. 

Local fashion shops will probably be willing to join you and supply items for the show. Most of them should know of a few people willing to model the garments. Again some contacts at the Art College may come in handy as young designers of the future may like to be invited to show some of their designs. They may have friends who enjoy modelling. 

When the show's over don't forget to write letters to the Editors of the local papers to whom you sent the press releases thanking people for attending the show and supporting your charity. That's a good touch for paving the way for the next event you intend to run.
