Author Topic: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!  (Read 12625 times)


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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #30 on: 19:32:15, 21/04/08 »
Interesting thought, although I'm not sure what they'd do if anything?


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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #31 on: 19:33:16, 21/04/08 »
couldn't you get someone to ask what they are doing about it
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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #32 on: 00:26:28, 22/04/08 »
And it appears others are supportive too, check out some of the comments left for my review

...on the other hand it could turn into an expensive legal contest if you sue for compensation and the company counter-claim that they discovered serious defects in the fabric of your property

In that case it would make sense to cut your losses and move on, putting it down to experience
Afterall it could have been subsidence which can be really difficult to establish the cause and end up costing you thousands of pounds !!


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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #33 on: 00:29:28, 22/04/08 »
In which case if they were doing their job properly they would have given him a written report and not scarpered - not the way of professional people - he should wait and see how far the bad publicity takes effect and add his photos (perhaps notify his local council too)
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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #34 on: 00:36:23, 22/04/08 »
...on the other hand it could turn into an expensive legal contest if you sue for compensation and the company counter-claim that they discovered serious defects in the fabric of your property

In that case it would make sense to cut your losses and move on, putting it down to experience
Afterall it could have been subsidence which can be really difficult to establish the cause and end up costing you thousands of pounds !!
The bathroom has since been looked at by a proper professional and his comments were that the problem was the last person either didn't know what they were doing or made a serious mistake. There doesn't appear to be a problem in the bathroom and the explanation above from the second person would tend to suggest why the original tiler left the house without saying a word and refused to contact us.


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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #35 on: 06:21:26, 22/04/08 »
The bathroom has since been looked at by a proper professional and his comments were that the problem was the last person either didn't know what they were doing or made a serious mistake. There doesn't appear to be a problem in the bathroom and the explanation above from the second person would tend to suggest why the original tiler left the house without saying a word and refused to contact us.

Clearly the company who walked out are completely in the wrong to leave you in such a mess and with all the inconvenience
You originally said that the stuff behind the tiles was 'crap' and mainly for that reason, you possibly suggest, the operative backed out
They could well quote some defects discovered, which nobody could have reasonably forseen, which made the job too complicated and have "small print" section giving them a loophole
Now you say a professional stated that the bathroom was originally 'sound' or 'ok'
without elaborating upon the mistake or lack of experience by the original company which allegedly caused them to 'down tools'

Was there originally an unforseen problem or not ?
Otherwise I really cannot understand the attitude in walking out and refusing to at least make good the job they realized was more than they had bargained for

Couldn't you at least ask them to reinstate the bathroom wall and tiles and shower ?


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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #36 on: 10:16:02, 22/04/08 »
If the first 'worker'  caused the problem and the second 'professional' did not explain his reasoning for alleging they had either made a mistake or didn't know what they were doing, then we are no nearer to understanding the problem at the root of the situation

How big was the hole ?



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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #37 on: 18:52:15, 22/04/08 »
If you look where I said the stuff behind the walls was 'crap' you'll see I used speech marks " to show that this was their explanation to me. I wasn't stating that as a fact that I'd found and certainly wasn't agreeing with them.

To simplify this, the problem appears to be that the person who first attended the bathroom to carry out the work removed the tiles and shower screen, but also removed too much of the material behind the tiles. By doing this they appear to have caused themselves extra work to put it right, which would cost more than they at first quoted for, and as a result they just walked out without saying a word and broke all contact with us. The second person to attend the bathroom was surprised at the amount of material removed and said it shouldn't have been done in such a way.

Hope that makes sense.


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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #38 on: 18:54:41, 22/04/08 »
yes it does and the second people to look at it are 'witnesses' in a way - so we await to hear how your going public is going to turn out - please keep us informed (especially when you havce shown pictures) ;) O0
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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #39 on: 19:13:05, 22/04/08 »
As requested, pictures of the wall in question

As you can see, the person took the tiles off which was fine, but then start to go too far and know you can see through to the breeze block and see part of the wooden frame! At this point, without saying a word, he's sneaked out of the door, driven off and rejected all our calls. His actions alone tend to suggest to me that he knew he'd caused a problem that he didn't want to handle.


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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #40 on: 19:17:23, 22/04/08 »
eyesore - we were quoted £1700 labour charges to install a shower (where the bath was) large square facia boards to cover where the bath had been, the loo moving - a new basin/cupboard - total £3086
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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #41 on: 19:18:58, 22/04/08 »
You are going to send these pics. to the newspaper as well aren't you?
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #42 on: 19:26:09, 22/04/08 »
If they want to run the story, yes. I have emailed them, still awaiting a reply from them.


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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #43 on: 19:26:23, 22/04/08 » looks like he encountered very hard cement type substance instead of the usual undercoat plaster covered with skimming plaster

It takes a lot of hard work of hammering to remove tiles from this sort of rock-hard base and he realised it was too much for him

Perhaps he has now been fired ?

He could have tiled over the top instead of digging the old tiles off, infact a sensible person would have called his supervisor for advice before scarpering

 :( :(
« Last Edit: 19:30:28, 22/04/08 by RAB »


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Re: Tile Care in Hyde - Damaged bathroom and ran off!!!
« Reply #44 on: 19:35:42, 22/04/08 »
I formed the same conclusion - I had some kitchen tiles over the sink, it took ages to get them off - with a chisel- but would have taken ages with the amount in a bathroom - an experienced tiler would have removed a couple - grasped the enormity of the task  and stuck them back on, explained the situation and asked if you wanted them tiled over or painted over
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing