I think you need to have a clear idea of exactly what you would do to improve the situation, with a healthy mix of property types and infrastructure
Given the restrictions posed by some council-owned housing stock as well as some private houses, which can, perfectly legitimately, be sold off on the open market to private landlords, there might be a need to allow market forces as well as plenty of council-controlled rental properties
Compulsory purchase orders can be made in certain cases, but even with a future plan for urban redevelopment in place it may not be as easy as it seems to finance, let alone justify, such operations ?
Do you want to see new houses, for private clients, or perhaps some revamped houses sold off to those with money and good jobs as in the case over to the North West in parts of L. Kersal, or do you want to see sheltered housing plus some houses for the local population to the exclusion of private buyers ?
What is the plan aimed to result in ?
If you exclude the private buyers you are possibly setting up more ghetto's for the locally disadvantaged or low income groups ?
Also why should you exclude refugees and immigrants from taking their place in the scheme of things ?
It is a characteristic policy through the history of Britain to allow and even encourage foreign labour onto these shores, many of those low wage immigrants will gravitate towards areas in decay and typically will eventually be replaced by a more successful type with greater entrepreneurial skills !!