Author Topic: Who is the STIG?  (Read 921 times)


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Who is the STIG?
« on: 22:17:48, 09/12/08 »

Has the Top Gear mystery racing

driver got a link to Mourne, Northern Ireland?

DEAR Man About Town — Having just visited the amazing Top Gear Live show (MPH 08) in Earls Court, London as a corporate guest of a large oil company between 31 October and 1 November, I had the privilege of obtaining a backstage pass in order to meet the presenters Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May. However there was one special guest no one got to meet in person, as he was the one and only Top Gear’s “tame racing driver” The Stig!

We were told, as it states in the show’s programme, “no one knows where he was born, or who he is, or if he is even human, but all we know there’s no one faster, and he’s called The Stig.” The show, like the BBC programme, likes to tease us with his identity; for example some say “… he has one ear bigger than the other and has never missed an episode of Coronation Street,” etc.

And to date his identity has never been revealed (although it has been noted a few drivers have played the character). When I asked the presenters where The Stig was between the performances, we were told “plugged into the mains recharging, or watching Corrie.”

We were then taken to his den and there on a bed “plugged” in lay the mannequin of the tame racing driver, with a selection of clues around him as to his identity. This was too good an opportunity to miss so I took some snaps to prove we had been to his den … and when we closely examined the items it appeared to have a copy of the Radio Times with episodes of Coronation Street highlighted and a mystery weekly newspaper, the Mourne Observer.

Now, with the help of my son, we discovered online this in fact was your newspaper (date of issue unknown) (Man About Town — It was our issue of 22 October).

So we ask, is he from County Down? Is he Irish? Or is it a hoax to put us off the scent? I’m not sure … however after my son appeared brandishing a paragraph from a well-known informative website it appears he may be Northern Irish

I guess we’ll never know, but The Stig if you read this, and this does appear to be your local paper, we salute you sir, and look forward to seeing you next year.

North Kettering,

All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing