This is completely my fault...
don't consider this as a falt
I have very few friends
this is a very good thing actually, some people don't have any at all
I feel that in getting to know new people there's a good chance that my fairly dismal social situation will be painfully obvious ...
mate, compared with the fact that you can stay alone onward, your present fears are nothing, don't you agree?
I'm literally starting from zero, does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do?
you're gonna have to get rid of all your doubts, just try not thinking about them at least
in the meantime why not take up any sport? gym, swimming, box etc, you'll be able to find alot of new people with the same interests. or join, I don't know, historical reading evenings community, or whatever community, just don't seat at home. learning of a foreign language on some courses isn't a bad pastime, I met my girlfriend there!