Author Topic: What do you remember?  (Read 15893 times)


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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #30 on: 16:16:17, 15/09/09 »
Aww, I like spiders!, I only put them outside in the summer though, on a frosty winters night night I let them stay indoors in the warm. Wouldn't want to eat one though.


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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #31 on: 18:58:26, 15/09/09 »
There's a rhyme something like

If you want to live each day

Let the spider run away

I think it's the month for them I keep walking into the webs so I get one of those plant stakes and wind it round the web and move it out of the way

They do keep the flies away, not had many of those this summer, have had mosquitos or midges
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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #32 on: 21:59:47, 15/09/09 »
Have you had many ladybirds  in Manchester this summer?  Don't know if it's just that grown ups don't notice the same but there seems to be far less insects about these days.


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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #33 on: 22:42:12, 15/09/09 »
Not as many this year, loads last year prefer them to those midges that just seem to go round in circles all the time ::)

then there was the year we had aphids or greenfly

what I particularly fear are earwigs, in the previous place where I lived they would fall out of the washing, I think the like dahlias and hosta
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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #34 on: 17:09:01, 16/09/09 »
I remember building snowmen in the garden with my brother and sister and our friends then going inside for a nice hot meal.  Then my brother pulling me along the snow-covered footpath on a sledge

Winters were really cold and summers hot
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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #35 on: 19:18:48, 16/09/09 »
Goodness! yes!, the summers were hotter. We used to play in the melted tar on the road!. We also played with marbles in the grids. Also, whips and tops.


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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #36 on: 10:13:17, 17/09/09 »
I used to collect marbles in the empty cigar tubes my father used to give me, they were all different, nowadays they all seem the same.

Played jacks and cat's cradle, and jumping over a skipping rope.

I loved my dolls, then my sister went and told people I still played with dolls when I was thirteen, so I hid them under my bed :-[
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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #37 on: 18:29:11, 30/09/09 »
I remember wagging it off school, hid behind the brick dustbin enclosure until my father had gone out then sneaked in up the stairs
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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #38 on: 23:56:01, 05/10/09 »
Quote Shoeshine:

I remember an Ice Cream man appearing on our street pedalling a "trike" Ice Cream Cart ..... 2 wheels at the front, one under the seat and the Ice Cream Box mounted between the 2 Front Wheels.

I remember when Tuberculosis claimed some of the children living nearby and my mum stopping us going to the Ice Cream Vendor .....

I remember when a couple of families "up our road" were so desperate for fuel to keep warm in the severe winters they'd burn old car batteries and thus created a Lead Poisoning Crisis to their children on our street. My parents didn't do that, thank heavens.

I remember the desperate winter of 1947 ...... and riding on (as a very young child) the corrugated half-roof of an "Anderson" WW2 Shelter on steep slopes with "the big boys"...... very, very scary and dangerous.No-one was hurt ..... but the thrill was intoxicating.

I remember travelling on a tram to the Victoria Hall in Sheffield over several years to take my piano exams ...... much of the WW2 rubble was still there.

I remember ....... going "stickleback" fishing down Canklow Meadows on warm Sunday afternoons in 1948 when dad got back from the pub......

I remember my first bike ..... shopping for my aunty at the local Co-op shop every saturday morning in the late 1940's ...... I hated having to queue up and adults would not wait their turn in the queue and just push in front of me .......

I remember seeing the first jet aircraft in my life ... A DeHaviland Vampire in the blue skies overhead (1949??)

I remember ...... my late father sitting beside my bed all night when I was 4/5 ...... with severe pneumonia .......

I remember ....... Oh! The joys of freedom then ...... no pervies about in those days ...... biking "down the woods", etc etc.

Sorry I got carried away for a while there, folks.
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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #39 on: 09:23:45, 07/10/09 »
I remember the football match with my friends... on the road near my home
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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #40 on: 01:23:22, 08/10/09 »
i remember the long hot summers, where we played all day in the park and croft. (maybe it only seemed so warm and sunny ) behind our house, i remember making bogies out of wood and old pram wheels to use as racing cars, going out on the claypit ponds on home made rafts made of old planks and doors, if our parents knew they would have gone ballistic obviously because of the remember going after frogs, tadpoles, newts and sticklebacks in the nearby ponds, everyone had the radios on, especially on sunday at around 7 pm for the number one in the charts that week. i remember the 1968 european cup final when we beat benfica and the homecoming afterwards i was 8 years of age then. i remember taking a bottle of tap water to the park and refilling it off the park keeper in his hut ( even sometimes the gents loo sink if he was busy elsewhere) urgh...collecting beer bottle tops in the pub car park. taking milk bottles and other bottles back to the shop for the penny or so deposit back, you got a good few pence for sweets if you took enough of them back. collecting the catterpillars in jam jars especially the yellow ones with black spots and the big hairy ones, i shudder at the thought nowadays. if we had enough money we loved the triangle jubblies in summer especially in the park lazing on the roundabout. anyone remember the penny blob of ice cream on their ice lolly off the ice cream man, or even cider lollies i loved em. going apple pinching and in the posher areas lovely  pears.i remember the warm school milk in summer and spring it was revolting. also playing kick can and ralio with upwards of 30 or 40 of us at a time all through the streets and back enteries. and there was always the scruffy pooch which tagged along for the  excitement with the kids....simple things but a better time in many ways


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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #41 on: 15:53:32, 17/10/09 »
Anyone else remember the summer's evening in the mid 80s when the nuclear attack sirens went off and sent the city into a panic?

I remember playing out around Longsight on my bike and hearing the sirens but not actually knowing what they were. Think they are mentioned in the book "And God Created MANchester" but other than that nobody I know seems to remember it happening.

Have I gone mad?


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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #42 on: 16:45:27, 17/10/09 »
I never heard anything about them, who wrote the book you mention?
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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #43 on: 17:04:17, 17/10/09 »
It was by Sarah Champion. Still got my copy proudly on the bookshelf.

Just googled it and it seems quite rare now. Here's a link on amazon but there's no image for the cover.


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Re: What do you remember?
« Reply #44 on: 23:43:39, 24/10/09 »
Anyone remember making a go cart with  a few planks of wood, rope, four wheels and alot of  adrenalin?

Me too.