i remember the long hot summers, where we played all day in the park and croft. (maybe it only seemed so warm and sunny ) behind our house, i remember making bogies out of wood and old pram wheels to use as racing cars, going out on the claypit ponds on home made rafts made of old planks and doors, if our parents knew they would have gone ballistic obviously because of the dangers..lol.i remember going after frogs, tadpoles, newts and sticklebacks in the nearby ponds, everyone had the radios on, especially on sunday at around 7 pm for the number one in the charts that week. i remember the 1968 european cup final when we beat benfica and the homecoming afterwards i was 8 years of age then. i remember taking a bottle of tap water to the park and refilling it off the park keeper in his hut ( even sometimes the gents loo sink if he was busy elsewhere) urgh...collecting beer bottle tops in the pub car park. taking milk bottles and other bottles back to the shop for the penny or so deposit back, you got a good few pence for sweets if you took enough of them back. collecting the catterpillars in jam jars especially the yellow ones with black spots and the big hairy ones, i shudder at the thought nowadays. if we had enough money we loved the triangle jubblies in summer especially in the park lazing on the roundabout. anyone remember the penny blob of ice cream on their ice lolly off the ice cream man, or even cider lollies i loved em. going apple pinching and in the posher areas lovely pears.i remember the warm school milk in summer and spring it was revolting. also playing kick can and ralio with upwards of 30 or 40 of us at a time all through the streets and back enteries. and there was always the scruffy pooch which tagged along for the excitement with the kids....simple things but a better time in many ways