Author Topic: MUSLIM VEIL  (Read 7960 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 14:53:46, 23/10/06 »
Christopher, you are a born flirt (but charming with it)

Maybe so, Celeste, but it's not getting me too far on dating sites :'(

Teleny, I'm not going to enter into an arguement with you about Enoch Powell. The guy was brilliant. People don't read his speeches properly or make much effort to understand the man. A narrow minded little reactionary is the last comment he deserves. How many politicians can you name whose CV comes anywhere near that of Enoch Powell?
« Last Edit: 15:04:44, 23/10/06 by Christopher »


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« Reply #16 on: 15:48:38, 23/10/06 »
Enoch Powell was an exceptionally clever man,  but we have to ensure his "rivers of blood" doesn't happen.  I have also wondered why we can have nuclear weapons and  other countries can't.  One rule for USA and another for the others, maybe they have information they can't tell us, how much at risk we would be, secret state information which would be dangerous to reveal. We have to trust them we have no choice.
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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« Reply #17 on: 05:45:08, 24/10/06 »
Christopher, you are a born flirt (but charming with it)

Maybe so, Celeste, but it's not getting me too far on dating sites :'(

Teleny, I'm not going to enter into an arguement with you about Enoch Powell. The guy was brilliant. People don't read his speeches properly or make much effort to understand the man. A narrow minded little reactionary is the last comment he deserves. How many politicians can you name whose CV comes anywhere near that of Enoch Powell?

Sadly he told it like it is!!! We knew it then and we know it now!!

Christopher...a tip for your dating sites:- Don't mention the black T.shirt with the Dennis the Menace may be holding you back!! ;D
"I'll think about it tomorrow", Scarlett O'Hara (Gone with the Wind.)


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« Reply #18 on: 10:42:30, 24/10/06 »

My bone of contention is not with the personal intellect of Enoch Powell - (he was exceptionally bright and gifted) - the man was brought up to believe in the inherent superiority of the West (especially Britain) and was, essentially, an imperialist.

During his service in India, he learnt to speak native languages . . . (his exceptional intellect) . . . but regarded India and Indians as being subservient to Britain's imperialist interests; he believed that ALL CULTURES ARE NOT THE SAME - (i.e. British colonial culture was superior).  This is evidence of his bigotry, historical ignorance and inherent racism which led him to make his famous 'rivers of blood' speech.

The fact that he is regarded as some messiah by (lets face it, mostly white people) shows how far Britain has degenerated over the last few years. 

Even if we believe that Britain should not be multi-cultural, the world is multi-cultural - our energy needs will come from the muslim world, our jobs will depend upon China's economic expansion, India is becoming a major investor in Britain and Western Europe will need fresh blood from Africa and the Near East to support our elderly population.

The philosophy of Enoch Powell cannot be applied to 21st century Britain without seing its liquidation in a short space of time.

Know the difference between a FALSE PROPHET and a MESSIAH !!


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« Reply #19 on: 11:48:39, 24/10/06 »
DEFINE  WHAT YOU MEAN BY MESSIAH IN RELATION TO ENOCH POWELL - if as you say, some people do think that, that is their problem, Enoch Powell would have been the first to refute that, I wasnt a fanatical admirer of his, my father said he was exceptionally brilliant, AND DADDY'S KNOW BEST, DON'T THEY?
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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« Reply #20 on: 17:35:20, 24/10/06 »
Since we're discussing Muslim Veils then Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence, CB, DSO (August 16, 1888 – May 19, 1935) deserves a mention


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« Reply #21 on: 17:38:21, 24/10/06 »
for those that don't know Lawrence of Arabia, (i dont remember him wearing one) what was his nickname then - a question for you
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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« Reply #22 on: 17:45:55, 24/10/06 »
I don't know but his Dad was Sir Thomas Chapman, seventh Baronet of Westmeath.


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« Reply #23 on: 17:54:37, 24/10/06 »
i think you are taking your posts from reference books - i could put on a word from the dictionary and ask what does this word mean and go on and on and on Zzzzzz
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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« Reply #24 on: 11:34:20, 25/10/06 »

celeste . . . what I mean by MESSIAH in relation to Enoch Powell is that he was  the figure that defined an alternative view to multiculturalism at a time when Britain started to see significant numbers of immigrants settling here from the Commonwealth.

Despite losing the arguments and being banished into the political wilderness, he has always remained a figurehead for a lot of people who never really signed up to the idea of multiculturalism - (or those that have been turned off it).

My argument is that the view of British society that he espoused of racial exclusivity for these Islands is so divorced from the the way the world is moving - (see above posts) - that to adopt Powellism would be, to quote a famous political saying, 'THE LONGEST SUICIDE NOTE IN HISTORY'.

Enoch Powell, also, is an aberration in the light of over one thousand years of history where Britain has seen countless recorded and unrecorded waves of immigration.

I do think that there are things about multiculturalism that undermine the cohesiveness of our society, but, imagine what Enoch Powells ideas will do!?!

For me, the man sits alongside some of the worst people in history because he appealed to the worst instincts in people . . . fear, paranoia, arrogance and a warped sense of his own belonging. 


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« Reply #25 on: 11:45:08, 25/10/06 »
TELENY,  i never saw a Powell interview that was racist, i am not a Powellist, now he is no longer alive there probably aren't any or many.  He wa MP for a large multi-cultural constituency,  and he had a lot of respect there,  that is why he was never booted out.  He was concerned indigenous people would suffer if there was too much immigration and he put his views forward to make the most impact, i grant you in a way that would make the most impact and perhaps it was over the top, ie "rivers of blood", but i saw him in a one-to-one with Tony Benn (yes) and there was an enormous amount of mutual respect between the two of them, so let' leave it there shall we?
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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« Reply #26 on: 12:49:01, 25/10/06 »
John Reid is reportedly finalising plans to restrict the number of Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants allowed to work in Britain when the two countries join the EU in January. Have the Common Market altered the regulations regarding the Free movement of workers or are the Labour Party doing their own thing?

Multiculturism is an expensive procedure as many of the immigrants do not speak the English language so the pupils attending the same school have to go at their pace. Not only that .. many of the nationalities keep to themselves .. they dont integrate with the British people.

Well said Celeste. I heard Enoch speak on a few occasions on "Any Questions" Everything he said was very reasonable.