many years ago,my next door neighbour and myself used to go to the bier kellar at piccadilly. one night, we left to get a taxi, she needed the loo so went to the underground ones you mentioned at piccadilly, I also needed the loo, so when she came out i went to the gents, when i came out, a guy had approached her and said he would give her a cheap taxi home, 3 quid (it was about 6 quid to where we were going in them days,) when he saw me. he wasnt happy, he took us nearly home, we got him to drop us early cos he was weird, next day they found a body at M.R.I. we seriously never put 2 and 2 together, we just assumed he was a bit of a wierdo, turned out the "taxi driver" was the yorkshire ripper
when his face was in the papers, that was when we realised, you don't think that it will happen to you, but it just might....