Author Topic: Manchester to the Arctic Circle: Charity cycle for Christies  (Read 840 times)


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Hi guys.

I am planning to cycle from Manchester to Tromso in the Norwegian Arctic Circle in June 2010 in a bid to raise money for the Christies NHS Trust. It is a trip of around 2,500 miles. Christies are opening a new Patient Treatment Centre in Manchester and need £13million worth of donations to do so. I am attempting to raise £2,000 towards this cause.

If you would like to donate any money towards the building of the new Patient Treatment Centre then you can do here:

If you would like to answer any questions regarding the cycle then you can email me at [email protected] or on this thread. We have a website at which includes a blog, route map, pictures and other such lovely things...

Thanks for reading. Any donation, however small or great will be hugely appreciated.

Richard Wilson