Author Topic: 1881 Census Records  (Read 2031 times)


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1881 Census Records
« on: 13:52:56, 29/11/06 »
The 1881 Census Records website has the following Censuses available 1841 - 1851 - 1861 - 1871- 1881 -1891 and 1901. Searching is free. This is a "No find - No Charge" service.  You only pay if your ancestors are found and you want the records.

There's also the Vital Records Index (VRI) which contains approx 12.3 Million records but the time span, content, and availability of the birth, christening, and marriage records vary greatly from within each county. As a result, your ancestor may not appear in this index even though you know he or she lived in a time and place covered by the index. The more records that have been transcribed from a county, the greater your chances may be of finding your ancestor.