Thank you for your kind words - I live for your approval. I'm delighted to hear you are a Muslim. I was convinced you were a member of the BNP looking to recruit on here.....
Down to business:
There are fewer than a million people on Fiji even today - that's a small enough population back then to be affected. If you were concerned about the Isle of Wight being overwhelmed by migration, I might pause to wonder if you were right.... although having been to the IOW, I can't see anyone rushing to live there.
Nor is India a comparable situation. Two things promote violence in India, and for that matter in Palestine. One is the arguing over sacred sites, and the other is the FORCED creation of artificial territories. Nobody is being forcibly removed from Longsight, nobody is being told where they have to live. And unless I've really missed something, there's no major religious site of traditional worship in Manchester that's being ring-fenced to exclude people.
You know what really causes things like the problems in Oldham? People pointing out that there MIGHT be a problem. People on both sides of the fence predicting doom and disaster. Folk get frightened, then there's no interaction, so there's no understanding, then there's misunderstanding, then mistrust, and suddenly it's "them and us" and after that it takes one stupid incident to blow the place up completely. Oldham has settled, and as far as I know, there was no massive evacuation of any particular ethnic group. Go to Bolton instead and look at the brilliant way everyone gets along.
Over in Bosnia, you're on yet another issue - Muslims were a minority and in a time of instability, as often happens, they became a focus for blame and hatred by the majority. Same as Jews in Germany.
This is England. We don't really have civil unrest or revolutions as a rule. There is still a law in Chester that says you can legally shoot a Welshman if he's out after dark, as long as you do it with a bow and arrow, but honestly, that's the ONLY bit of organised minority oppression we still permit.... and with the glorious benefit system we have, there's not likely to be an uprising of starving peasants demanding ethnic cleansing any time soon.
There are simply none of the motivators that were present at the events you cite. Mancunians don't actually much care where you were born as long as you can cook!
By and large, I don't think you really need to worry about anything except the fact that your comments sound like those of Nick Griffin & co and will have delighted any passing racists beyond measure.