Author Topic: Is Manchester a city divided by race and religion Muslim vs Christian  (Read 10189 times)


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Wow is there a topic your not on expert on cupcake.
A guy goes and kills nearly 100 people in the name of religion his words not mine and you have analysis of his entire life and why he did what he did.

Your amazing cup cake don't know why I even write on here I should just write to you personally.

100 people mostly kids dead and it's nothing more bothersome than a bit of football riverlly and of course I'm anti multiculture.... Your words cupcake...

And of course the churches in Norway are filling up to the rafters with Muslims united in grief!!!
That's your best line yet as I have all the news channels and have not seen a single report of that fact.
Remember the 7/7 bombings how all the Asians in England headed towards the nearest church?.... No!!!!....

If your going to reply and I hope you dont because it's getting embarrassing   reading your made up statements and pretend facts of how well integrated Manchester is and the only common enemy the people have are scousers is just making you look an ass.

Now then oldham had riots that's just outside Manchester  ...reason race /religions and culture....but in your world cup cake is was proberbly about the local football teams having a tiff...

If you can't see that the world is a multicultural place and that it's a balance that changes over decades and not a few years then your living an illusion.

Taking one culture and dropping it on another is going to inevitably lead to division and trouble.... Hence oldham .... Bradford.... Where next?

Not Manchester because we all get a long so well that why we have no Asian only areas or Asian only schools .... It's because we all love to mix and intorgrate as one big happy family...


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If you didn't see the BBC news report on the day of the shootings, where Muslims went into Christian churches as everyone waited to find out exactly who had died, then perhaps you were too busy composing your next rant.  That's where I saw it, on camera.
Now, I have no objection to you holding an opinion that's not mine.  I have no problem debating the issue with you either.  What I do object to, and this is not your first offence, is your appalling rudeness.  Any minute now, one of the moderators is going to see your insults and warn you - I'd just like to be clear that I haven't asked them to do so. Before you start shouting that I am persecuting you on religious grounds and it was always on the cards.....
I'm not going to shred you as you deserve for that last, ridiculous post of gibberish rant.  I don't need to - it speaks for itself as the kind of tantrum people throw when they can't win an argument by reason because they are talking bilge from the start.  Fascinating though that you can judge my expert status on ALL things, when you only ever talk about one....
Now, having done you the courtesy of attempting to discuss this politely, I am of the considered opinion that you are not interested in debate or discussion and you make your contentious and rude posts just to get attention for your own personal little agenda.   On that basis, I'm done engaging with you, and I doubt you'll find anyone else bothering.   
It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.


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Mention of the Oldham "Riots" reminded me of an incident that happened to me. The morning after the "Riots" had started, it was all over the newspapers and television. Oldham, and Glodwick in particular was in turmoil due to the Asian youths running amok. Imagine how I felt later that morning as a white man when an Asian man approached my taxi in Manchester and asked to be taken to Glodwick. I didn't hesitate to take him, reasoning that I had encountered far worse trouble on a Saturday night in Manchester. Glodwick is in a kind of a valley, comprising mainly of streets of old terraced houses, and probably 90% plus Asians live there. As I drove into Glodwick I passed a large patch of land with about 200 hunded asians having some kind of a meeting there.
 I dropped my passenger off further into Glodwick, but when I came to leave, I got lost and coudn't find my way back out, due to most streets having bollards blocking the way. I approached a group of about 20 Asian lads aged from about 15 to 25. I got out of my cab, walked over to them and asked, " How do I get out of here"? They started laughing and said that the bollards were there to deter boy racers and car thieves. They attempted to direct me out but when I looked puzzled, a couple of them offered to jump in the cab and guide me out, which they did, back to the main road.
 I had been paid for my journey, treated with kindness and  helped by the Asian lads. Yet to listen to that mornings news I was risking life and limb going there, which could not have been further from the truth.
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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I remember the summer of 2001 well , Leeds ,burnley Bradford snd oldham went to pot.
The reasons for that I think have not really gone away in fact I think it's getting worse.
These communities became very marginalised within a town of poor education and hostile working-class ethics. Derogatory racist language was often used to describe the foreign migrants which had arrived, who in turn kept their mother-tongue language and stayed as a close-knit cultural community. Inter-racial relationships, marital, friendly or otherwise, were seen as highly undesirable and very much frowned upon by both communities for several reasons including not only race, but religion.

Fast forward to 2011 has anything changed?


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Quote Davidbowie:If your going to reply and I hope you dont because it's getting embarrassing   reading your made up statements and pretend facts of how well integrated Manchester is and the only common enemy the people have are scousers is just making you look an ass.

All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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Noted making factual statements will not be tolerated . Ok

Making unfactual statements based on made up facts will be?

Answering questions  not asked and changing topics will also be welcomed?

just want to get the rules clear