Really? Is nobody going to call me on this? See, that's how fakers get away with it.
Anyone posting on here is probably between 25 and 75, putting the Great Aunt generation of their family back between 1900 and 1950. Families tended to be bigger then, so odds are on the existence of great aunts and uncles. Count in all the Elizabeths, Eileens, Eleanors, Ethels, Ediths and so on, and the odds are in my favour. Then allow for Aunts and great great Aunts to increase my chances of a hit. Note I only said "I think" the initial is E, so I can convincingly claim any letter sounding like an E, covering - B, C, D, G, P, T and V.....
And the rest? Well, who doesn't feel they waste their time on something they hate doing, be it their job or the washing up? And who doesn't believe they'd do better at something they love if they had a bit more confidence in themselves?
It all sounds so specific, and people want to believe in it. Besides which, everyone believes they are unique, so they don't sit there thinking "well I'm only ordinary, so that could mean anyone". Fact is, I could have said that same thing to a hundred people and it would have sounded equally detailed and personal to them all.
Course, if I had told you your Father's sister was called Laura Jane and she kept a fox fur stole in the back bedroom cupboard wrapped in white tissue paper in a brown box because her lost love gave it to her so she treasured it, but she could never bear to look at its poor dead little face....... well then THAT level of detail would be worth a second thought!