Author Topic: Ate there any true mediums in Manchester? Or are they all tricksters ?  (Read 24006 times)


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Once again you are on the ball Celeste, I feel such a fool now,having sent an email to James Stannage requesting info on Michael Rowe,  ::)

He'll know who you mean, send him another and tell him about the forum ;)
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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With all can you believe these peeps ?

I'd want to see what Michael Roll and Ron Pearson had seen - well almost :o
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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With all can you believe these peeps ?
For me it is not a case of believing,just an opportunity to hear an alternative point of view
I Started Out with Nothing and I Still Got Most of It Left


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He'll know who you mean, send him another and tell him about the forum ;)

I gave him a link to the site, no response yet  :-\
I Started Out with Nothing and I Still Got Most of It Left


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All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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With all can you believe these peeps ?

Your Great Aunt, name begins with an E, I think, who passed some time ago, would like you to know that she's been watching over you and thinks you're wasting your time on something you don't enjoy, when there are other things you'd excel at if you just had a bit more faith in your own natural abilities......  8)
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Really? Is nobody going to call me on this?  See, that's how fakers get away with it.
Anyone posting on here is probably between 25 and 75, putting the Great Aunt generation of their family back between 1900 and 1950.  Families tended to be bigger then, so odds are on the existence of great aunts and uncles.  Count in all the Elizabeths, Eileens, Eleanors, Ethels, Ediths and so on,  and the odds are in my favour.  Then allow for Aunts and great great Aunts to increase my chances of a hit.  Note I only said "I think" the initial is E, so I can convincingly claim any letter sounding like an E, covering - B, C, D, G, P, T and V.....
And the rest?  Well, who doesn't feel they waste their time on something they hate doing, be it their job or the washing up?  And who doesn't believe they'd do better at something they love if they had a bit more confidence in themselves?
It all sounds so specific, and people want to believe in it.  Besides which, everyone believes they are unique, so they don't sit there thinking "well I'm only ordinary, so that could mean anyone".  Fact is, I could have said that same thing to a hundred people and it would have sounded equally detailed and personal to them all.
Course, if I had told you your Father's sister was called Laura Jane and she kept a fox fur stole in the back bedroom cupboard wrapped in white tissue paper in a brown box because her lost love gave it to her so she treasured it, but she could never bear to look at its poor dead little face....... well then THAT level of detail would be worth a second thought!   ;D   
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Have you taken your medication?  I bet everyone whose name begins with an 'E' is looking in the mirror and twitching ;D
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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That is exactly how the fakers reel you in.  Chad asked how people can believe in it.... and that's how.  A simplified version - cos whilst a lot of the "psychic" stuff is fake, a lot of fakers are skilled in body language and the like, so they can feed off your reactions and get quite specific. 
I met one entertainer, who stated categorically that he was NOT a psychic, just skilled in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and various other things, but I'll tell you now, half the room believed he WAS psychic and lying.  He was absolutely incredible.
It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.


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We aren't talking about the ressurection of dead bodies. According to mediums and spiritualists you know that thing that powers your brain? It tells you who you are etc ?its called consciousness and it is that which survives You think about it the universe is soooo vast  why wouldn't consciousness survive?
There are times when listening to music it's possible to imagine eternity or something bigger than yourself, my kids, being in love for the first time for goodness sakes just think out of the box  we aren't bloody machines we're human beings ::)
« Last Edit: 04:50:36, 22/01/12 by julie »
fate keeps on happening


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We're talking about two different things though.  Thing one is whether you can talk to dead people.  Thing two is the vast number of fakers and how they make it sound so convincing.  The existence of fakes doesn't rule out the existence of the genuine.
As I said early in the thread, virtually every religion teaches there's a division between body and soul.  Body is earthly and dies; soul is immortal and moves on.  If you believe that, then you have to allow at least the possibility of communication between the soul of a living person and the soul of a dead one.   
It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.


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yes and from the looks of it every religion starts with a beautiful garden followed by the 'fall' I subscribe to the psychic press online it has just made a welcome return after being out of print for years spiritualism is a nice peaceful philosophy in my opinion ;)
« Last Edit: 20:36:29, 23/01/12 by julie »
fate keeps on happening


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I think personal beliefs are like bottoms.  We all have one, but really, it's not necessary to go waving it around in public all the time; it's not something to talk about unless someone expresses an interest; and it's definitely not right to go shoving it in other people's faces!  ;D
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When my Dad died I managed to get back to the UK for the
funeral..That evening a neighbours came round to "take"Mum
to a Spirituist Meeting when she would be allowed to speak
to Dad.........................I wont repeat the language I used
or how I grabbed the woman by her dress neck but they did
get the idea that they did,nt belong there...Mum was a strong
Catholic and to go to a Church of that kind was completely
against her beliefs, she was really upset over them calling.
I saw the man a couple of days later and he said I owed him
and his wife an apology, my reply was I,ll get you a summons
from Mums lawyer if you dare even come down her drive again.
I stayed at Muns for 6 weeks and learned that two weeks after
I had come home they moved elsewhere..
Some mediums or Spiritulists can I am sure read your body
language and like Cupcake says suggest things that you in the mood you are in are ready to accept..
                                      B U T
THERE IS  NO  LIFE AFTER DEATH  and there are,nt any emails
  or telephones from Heaven or hell...........



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What dreadful, horrible people.  Mind you, you can find their kind in any belief system, can't you?  I've lost count of the people who've told me I'll go to Hell if I don't do exactly as they say..... and I've come to the conclusion that if they are all in Heaven, it's not my kind of place anyway.  ;)   
I don't know what happens when you die.  Not a clue.  Far as I know, neither has anyone else.  So I figure there's no point arguing over it.  If you believe in a next life, then you'd better spend this one trying not to do any harm and help wherever you can to make sure your next life is a good one.  If you believe this is the only life you get, then you'd better spend it trying not to do any harm and help wherever you can to enjoy it to the full and make sure you're remembered for the right reasons.  Like the Meerkat says, "Simples". 
But that's just me.  I'm a very simple soul.  Love makes my world go round in the nicest possible way, so I try to love everybody.  Can't say I always succeed, mind you..... ;D
It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.