Author Topic: Ate there any true mediums in Manchester? Or are they all tricksters ?  (Read 24004 times)

St Chads

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I think personal beliefs are like bottoms.  We all have one, but really, it's not necessary to go waving it around in public all the time; it's not something to talk about unless someone expresses an interest; and it's definitely not right to go shoving it in other people's faces!  ;D

lol ;D ;D
" Life calls the tune , we dance ".



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course there real,just because you can't explain something doesn't mean its not real,from personal experience i know there real,i lost someone very close to me a while back and like you i hadn't really put much thought into wether they were real or not until i went to one.     and believe me i drove half way across the country and used a different name, well what they told me blew my mind ,there is no way this person could know what they told me,not a chance,it would be impossible. ,they told me stuff about my childhood what noone new,they also kept telling me my real name which i hadn't disclosed,the stuff they new was too accurate to be faked,   changed my life.     it doesn't matter how many times you try to convince someone these gifts are real.and i genuinely believe  there are fakes out there conning people,but real mediums do exist and theyv been about since the dawn of time.     for most it will take them to actually experience what i went through to open there eyes to this stuff... theres a lot what we can't explain out there,doesn't mean its not real.

Corrupt council

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I have a prediction ....


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One of the best comes from Oldham - Dee Rendall google her website.
A short while after my wife died I went to her for a reading and she was spot on. Even silly things only myself & my wife could know about and even things I've done (or should have done) since her passing.