Author Topic: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester  (Read 22436 times)


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Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« on: 15:01:57, 31/10/11 »
Does anyone else think it's got a bit out of hand now?
I nipped into town yesterday, but I just felt really out of place, I couldn't wait to get out of there.
In the past there would be a mixture of people, now I feel like the posh people are taking over, I just don't think it can be good for the city. It's always been a unique place, i'd say only Liverpool could compete with it, now it seems to be going in a bad direction, does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?


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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #1 on: 15:24:38, 31/10/11 »
Where are these posh people - I've never seen any, are you guessing by just looking at them, how they are dressed or is it that you have heard a lot of plummy voices?
At a guess I'd say there are quite a few in Kendals, Harvey Nicks, the Triangle - but remember it takes all kinds and I've not heard them complain that there are people who aren't posh enough ;D
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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #2 on: 15:25:49, 31/10/11 »
It's just a vibe I get when am out and about celeste, just seems so many of them, puts me off a bit.
I've also heard a lot of people say mancunians are rough


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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #3 on: 15:34:29, 31/10/11 »
Look Liam, just ignore them if you aren't interested in them then they can't really affect you - there are extreme types, people who talk loudly in plummy accents so people can hear them or to be noticed, they usually do it because they need attention - then there are the rough types you mention who do the same thing - for attention.
The main thing is you can walk past them or move out of earshot, the worst thing is if you have to work with them and are stuck. 
I'm surprised there are any yuppies, I thought they died out in the 80s.  They may not be as well off as they like to let people think they are.
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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #4 on: 15:36:26, 31/10/11 »
Yeah they probably not, i just find the more money goes into the city, the more bland it gets, liverpools gonna be better soon.


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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #5 on: 15:41:48, 31/10/11 »
Well they are both northern cities so if they prosper that's ok by me ;)
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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #6 on: 17:14:26, 31/10/11 »
Liverpool's had that much regeneration money thown at it there's barely anything left.  Thank God for the Beatles and the dockers or it'd look just like anywhere south of Watford.
Urban living's a current phase, Liam.  All the trendy souls are buying little apartments in the City Centre (Manchester and elsewhere).  It'll pass soon, as they all decide rural is the new best thing - then prices will drop enough for ordinary folk to buy in and things will go back to normal.   ;)
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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #7 on: 18:33:25, 31/10/11 »
thanks cupcacke youve ut me at ease a bit.
little things like that bother me, im always uncomfortable around over intellectual people, i think theres a lack of fun with them, i wouldnt wantt to livein a city like that, thats all i was gettng at.


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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #8 on: 10:49:45, 01/11/11 »
Does anyone else think it's got a bit out of hand now?
I nipped into town yesterday, but I just felt really out of place, I couldn't wait to get out of there.
In the past there would be a mixture of people, now I feel like the posh people are taking over, I just don't think it can be good for the city. It's always been a unique place, i'd say only Liverpool could compete with it, now it seems to be going in a bad direction, does anyone else feel this way or is it just me?

I was considered posh by my peers as a child, because I used to get out of the public swimming baths to pee.    ::)   8)
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #9 on: 11:05:35, 01/11/11 »
thanks cupcacke youve ut me at ease a bit.
little things like that bother me, im always uncomfortable around over intellectual people, i think theres a lack of fun with them, i wouldn't wantt to livein a city like that, thats all i was gettng at.

Liammanchester. You have every reason to feel good about yourself. You are articulate, you can string a sensible sentence together and you can spell.
  Like a lot of people of my generation I left school at 15 with little if any qualifications, other than a very sound basic 3Rs education. I went on to work in computing with people who all had university educations. A lot of whom couldn't spell or write decently, and in a surprising number of instances had no idea about the real world outside academia. I feel fairly confident that you would be more than able to hold your own in everyday conversations with most people. I learned years ago that people who try and lord it over other people and use long winded inappropriate words when a shorter word would do just as well,  are usually doing so because of their own insecurities.
« Last Edit: 11:12:24, 01/11/11 by Adsum »
We are all lying in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.


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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #10 on: 12:05:52, 01/11/11 »
Most people feel the same way as you Liam - very often those who seem to be "lording it" are just trying to cover their own feelings of inadequacy and not belonging - or just have poor communication skills.  Same with people who need to fit in with a particular crowd  - they're dressing or talking the "approved" way because they need to feel part of something, that's all.  It's just a mask - and some of us are lucky enough to not need one.  ;) 
The important thing is not to pre-judge.  If you approach everyone on the basis that we're all the same on the inside and treat people they way you want to be treated, then sure, you'll get the odd disappointment, but you'll also get some lovely surprises.  Everyone likes to be liked and loves to be loved, so what you give, you'll get back. 
It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.


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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #11 on: 16:29:47, 01/11/11 »
Liam - Those who matter don't mind,  and those who mind don't matter
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #12 on: 23:29:48, 21/01/12 »
You are as good as anyone, better than some until they prove differently..
We all, being posh or poor still go to the loo the same way
Think about their homes,  it could be kippers and curtains
Your money can buy the same things, yours could have been
earned honestly, doubt some of theirs has.


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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #13 on: 03:37:15, 22/01/12 »
Having moved up from London with the BBC move, I guess I am one of the 'posh' people that the OP is talking about. I will say, however, that the majority if Manchester is not posh at all, from my perspective. It seems quite a rough and ready place, with a lot going on for the normal person. I much prefer it to London, and will say that most Mancunians have got it good compared to where I was previously living in West London - if you find Manchester 'posh', you haven't seen anything yet..


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Re: Yuppies/posh people in Manchester
« Reply #14 on: 10:23:06, 22/01/12 »
I quite like posh but you cannot judge people by their accents, wait till you have been here a few months  ;D
I know a lot of BBC peeps don't want to move to Manchester and it's more about the upheaval and their families I would think :-\
btw Daniel Craig has a very 'posh' accent and he is from Cheshire, have you heard of the Cheshire 'Jet Set' ?
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing