Good morning Cupcake, Sheila, and Julie
sorry for my delayed response, I think I turned off the email notify thingy? Anyway I'm so techless its not funny, I don't know what I did, but I stopped getting, I'll not even try and recall what I did!
I agree Cupcake, there is a huge pretense and persona thing going on around here too. Its very sad. Maybe its just a natural shift that was happening anyway, and because I was busy being a young tearaway I never noticed it? Maybe its an age thing, that I never understood until I got to the age I am now, and the gravity of seeing ones youth dwindling away suddenly gains more gravity and poignancy?
I moved away due to circumstances a while ago, and although I got on with life, did lots of great things, travelled about the country working here and there. I always yearned to come back, when I did manage it I was stunned and saddened, it was like a well kept secret had finally got out. Maybe thats the rub, I have been able to see the sharp contrast as opposed to not noticing the gradual shift?
Lol, I know what you mean about social climbers, there are loads round here. I don't mind what they are all about, its just the sneering that goes along with it, it's just so unnecessary and unpleasant. Oh well, not my bad!
Well, the sun is shining, I have a million things to being one of them, so I'll take advantage of the rare warmth and do a bit in our little sad looking plot!
Baking, that's something I haven't done in a while. Not that I am by any means proficient, but it is a good thing to do when there are banana's that are looking a bit ropey! Funnily enough, despite my efforts at getting healthy snacks in the house, I end up watching them turning from a delicate sunny yellow to a wizened mess almost everytime!