Author Topic: LONDON OLYMPICS 2012  (Read 21824 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 22:48:04, 29/07/12 »
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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« Reply #16 on: 14:11:31, 30/07/12 »
everyone seems to be having agreat time down in the smoke. i cant get my head around some of the unequalitis. that is the countrys with the most facilities and cash pile up the most medals.  just now watching the horse cross country event.  the amount of cash and yrs of breeding the horses would probably bankrupt some small countrys. now if they had a catching fish by spear and net event ,we would look stupid as they walk off with all the medals.
Politicians and nappies must be changed often,and for the same reason


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« Reply #17 on: 17:53:43, 30/07/12 »
You have a fair point about the longterm cost and breeding of horses, but an awful lot of athletes and competitors in all kinds of sports  who come from less-developed countries are actually well supported by the Olympic Solidarity program.  The revenue made by the Games, including telly rights, is shared out all over the place to develop and encourage sport, and some is specifically put into Solidarity to ensure that people can get the facilities and training they need to compete on level terms.   It's an important thing for the whole Olympic organisation that they are as inclusive as possible. 
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« Reply #18 on: 17:47:00, 31/07/12 »
A bronze medal for the male gymnasts, they did have silver but the Japanese thought one of their gymnasts hadn't been marked fairly and they were given it
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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« Reply #19 on: 20:54:45, 31/07/12 »
I think it was because he mangled the very end of his routine.  The judges can regard it as an aborted dismount, which carries a lesser penalty than falling off.  I think that was it. Bit of a shame, cos to get a bronze was a truly historic thing for the Brits, but the momentary silver's taken the shine off a bit.  Team silver for the equestrian lot today....
Anyone else a bit peeved by the silly girl who told the papers she wasn't singing the British anthem cos she's Scottish?  You don't want to sing, fine - be it shyness, ignorance of the words or a lousy voice, but really, if being British is so awful, please do feel free to decline the British funding, facilities, free kit, travel, accom, training camps and expenses.  You bog off back over the border and toss the caber, and let someone who appreciates it have the chance to win a medal with the help of us hated Brits!  ::)   
It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.


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« Reply #20 on: 23:21:21, 31/07/12 »

Anyone else a bit peeved by the silly girl who told the papers she wasn't singing the British anthem cos she's Scottish?  You don't want to sing, fine - be it shyness, ignorance of the words or a lousy voice, but really, if being British is so awful, please do feel free to decline the British funding, facilities, free kit, travel, accom, training camps and expenses.  You bog off over the border and toss the caber, and let someone who appreciates it have the chance to win a medal with the help of us hated Brits!  ::)

 O0 8)
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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« Reply #21 on: 05:48:52, 01/08/12 »
[quote author=Cupcake
Anyone else a bit peeved by the silly girl who told the papers she wasn't singing the British anthem cos she's Scottish?  You don't want to sing, fine - be it shyness, ignorance of the words or a lousy voice, but really, if being British is so awful, please do feel free to decline the British funding, facilities, free kit, travel, accom, training camps and expenses.  You bog off back over the border and toss the caber, and let someone who appreciates it have the chance to win a medal with the help of us hated Brit

I couldn't agree more.  What annoys me is that people like Giggs and Bellamy have spent most of thier lives in England, and it's where they have made thier vast amounts of money. Mind you, I expect if they need the emergency services they phone Wales! ;)


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« Reply #22 on: 11:20:09, 01/08/12 »
did anyone notice sharapova carried the flag for the russian contingent??.i think of her as american now. lots of  soviet bloc have legged it to the u.s.  as soon as they  get famous they are off./. i recall nelly kim,was nadia comonetch another??. mind you ,so would i.
Politicians and nappies must be changed often,and for the same reason


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« Reply #23 on: 13:18:09, 01/08/12 »
Rowing Gold this morning!
And a bunch of badminton players accused of deliberately trying to lose their matches to get an easier draw in the next round.  Not sure where I stand on that - obviously, throwing a match might unfairly influence the rankings of other players; but equally, if there's a tactic you can employ that increases your chances without cheating, shouldn't you be allowed to give yourself the best chance of winning?  Is it really your job to look after the interests of lesser players or reduce your chances of winning in order to make it more fun for the crowd?  I'm going to need to think about that one.....
It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.


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« Reply #24 on: 14:20:08, 01/08/12 »
The crowd were booing them, probably because they expected something better for their money
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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« Reply #25 on: 21:17:27, 01/08/12 »
Yes, I accept that - but nobody ever says the same thing to athletes who cruise in the heats just to qualify for the finals without tiring themselves out.  They let lesser competitors win.  It's accepted that they are saving their energies for the harder rounds and the crowd doesn't get a vote.  Isn't it a bit hypocritical to accept it from rowers, swimmers, runners, throwers, jumpers, weightlifters et al, but to disqualify badminton players for doing the same?  I really don't know.  ???
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« Reply #26 on: 23:15:39, 01/08/12 »
Well they've been disqualified and are going home now
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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« Reply #27 on: 23:19:34, 01/08/12 »
Bradley Wiggins - Gold
Our best Olympiad ever  :)
Two rowing medals for the ladies rowers - silver
A swimming medal  for one of the guys - silver
We've moved up to 10th place behind Russia O0
All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing


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« Reply #28 on: 09:49:11, 02/08/12 »
Well they've been disqualified and are going home now

One has quit badminton.  She says that they were using the new rules (ie the inclusion of a round robin stage) to maximise their chances of winning the gold.  Because of their nationalities, I expect that'll be the end of the matter.  If they had been from certain other countries, I'm fairly sure we'd now be in the middle of a right row about it and threats to sue. 
If losing the match is your best chance of a gold medal, aren't you "making best effort to win" by losing that match?  I've slept on it and I think the individuals have been punished for the stupidity of the rule-makers.  They should have realised this was a hazard of the new rules and either dropped back to the traditional way OR warned the players from the start.  It's harsh to be slung out for spotting the opportunity.  Did they not trial this new idea before popping it into the Olympics?   ???
It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.


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« Reply #29 on: 12:19:37, 02/08/12 »
Aaaaaaaarghhhhhh!  Rowing - Silver for the men's fours by about a two inch margin behind the South Africans.  Close as you can get and not win!  Ladies go in a minute..... don't think I can bear to watch any more!
It's nice to be important, but it's also important to be nice.