I think it was because he mangled the very end of his routine. The judges can regard it as an aborted dismount, which carries a lesser penalty than falling off. I think that was it. Bit of a shame, cos to get a bronze was a truly historic thing for the Brits, but the momentary silver's taken the shine off a bit. Team silver for the equestrian lot today....
Anyone else a bit peeved by the silly girl who told the papers she wasn't singing the British anthem cos she's Scottish? You don't want to sing, fine - be it shyness, ignorance of the words or a lousy voice, but really, if being British is so awful, please do feel free to decline the British funding, facilities, free kit, travel, accom, training camps and expenses. You bog off back over the border and toss the caber, and let someone who appreciates it have the chance to win a medal with the help of us hated Brits!