OK. I see the wall now. But you also have building there hundreds of years old. Nothing like that in the US. I would like to visit England someday. Two places I would like to visit are the James Herriot museum in Thrisk (I think that's how it's spelled). He's my favorite author and the ruins at Whitby.
I am absolutely with Celeste about THAT wall! I cannot think what on earth we have had it erected for. When i worked in Manchester many moons ago - like the 1960's, Piccadilly Gardens was absolitely beautiful, trees and flowers were much in evidence and it was an oasis in a busy city where you could sit at lunchtimes and relax. Now it is completely spoilt by having the addition of an office block, concrete everywhere and THAT WALL. Whoever thought of building it wants lining up against it and shooting, they even took down the Berlin Wall and this is every bit as bad in my opinion. I wonder what visitors to the City think about it? So Celeste you have my support!!